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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Everything posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. @TF2 maps In my opinion, I know Red and Blu are basically mercanaries, but, why is it always situated in forests, desets and such? why isnt there any in more populated areas? I know that's one of the things that they plan maps on, so it's less populated areas, (at the most, farms are there) But they should either do something in the arctic (I know I sort of contradicted myself here) or in a city :/ -Or maybe a nasa style launch facility? -The City map could even be RED corp or BLUE something or other, like two tall buildings, like government buildings. Anyway. What was I gonna say? Oh yeah, vote Monster Raving Looney Party this next election, or the Pirate Party. EDIT: I wrote this before day 2. I take back my arctic comment!
  2. tbh i think its terrible
  3. dammit, wrong account >:
  4. dont you mean I speak English fluently? GRAMMAR NAZI TO THE RESCUE!
  5. This confuses me, they are clapping at the boy taking off his clothes? It sort of made me wonder that a boy wearing underpants just standing there about to brush his teeth or something? surely you brush your teeth after breakfast? I couldn't watch it all as I gave up.
  6. * Burnma has joined the game * As the rebel forces of burnma has have over the government from the evil Noxians The leader, Burnarrea, personally supplies a nuke to ERRORan, along with the secret military project known as CHEESECAKE HAX 1.0 A deadly virus which can control anything, Other countries robots, soldiers and cake recipes. EDIT: Im leik the swiss, neutral atm.
  7. Can I have The United Burndom? or burnma? or the burma canal? or burngeria? or else... wonder what else is? research our foreign language conversation last night dont make me ape shit in you and when i touch your penis it will make me sail to the YMCA you think it makes no sense.. but i found it funny lol
  8. Dont mess with the burngeria nigeria? eh-eh? HaKniighti A very poor way to say Haiti or Hawaii
  9. Yeah :\ when i play tf2 i seem to get less points than i came in with like if i get a killing spree of epicness i might get 14 points im im lucky, but they get 25 for killing me, even if you get camped and they kill you, they still get alot of points.
  10. due to lack of interest, cba doing any for error or burn sounds too boring :|
  11. /agree boobs
  12. he did a red dwarf
  13. hmm..guessing by your age i presume you are in high school? must be an awesome school to study forensics at that age i thought you could only study that in college? oh well lol p.s. r.i.p billy mays!
  14. All maps are good on payload in my opinion, but i love the one where its a control point to lower the crane thing at the start, as I know a glitch thing on it ;P
  15. Awesome fact, I have made 2 pictures here, guess which other one I have made ;D You will have to know who's brother I am, and yes, I made that picture completely and utterly. The older brother never makes pictures for comps. Apart from one, because I was on holiday. Just thought I might let you know P.S. Ask ERROR how many games he has bought out of 15 on this computer. It will be under 2
  16. i agreee tom but ut3:B sucks monkey balls
  17. I hope this is ok EDIT: oh god found things wrong 1. Bad screenshot timing 2. Forgot to colour wall lol EDIT 2: Should have turned off the graph lol
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