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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Everything posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. Link ? Not sure if serious..
  2. He's busy procrastinating from doing all his plumbing and travelling through pipes to save princesses.
  3. Dr. Pannenkoek

    Day Z

    Won't be using it for a long time but 5* post :>
  4. Speaking of cake...
  5. Thought it was alright, I'd just say make it smoother, I didn't like the made by Clavus Elite bit in the middle I thought that could have gone at the end and I think the footage should be some sweet ass moments, not really just a bones jumping around failing to hit anyone :/ But pretty good to start with, just make the changes made in the posts above :>
  6. Yeah I got 8GB sort of just in case but after using some shaders and high res texture packs in Minecraft it does help, but generally I'd only say to get them if you are running a lot of applications :> Plus you can do that and also do other stuff in the meantime as mentioned above
  7. There's an older thread for this, but hey ho. I literally typed waffles and pancake into Google translate and I liked pancake more. That's as far as it goes. That goes for any other usernames I've created (ones that have a boring story that is, like Burn (previous forum name, I think Hundred kept saying Burn baby burn whenever I posted) and also ERROR 401 But that story is for another day heuheuheueheu
  8. Christ! I haven't even spent that much on the TF2 store...
  9. concerned citizen hahahah
  10. HNNNNNGH, THE FOOOOONT. Anyway, good luck!
  11. My Raspberry Pi has finally been shipped :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mayco


      Mine too :)

    3. MiF


      @Fish. I see what you did there ;D. And have fun with them Pann and Mayco :D

  12. Consider it liked.
  13. Fap with all your limbs one at a time and soon you will have a body of an Adonis
  14. I think more tournaments as mentioned just above, but you could either make them rare with a bigger bonus, or smaller prizes but more frequently, personally I like the latter as it means you've always got something to look forward to at the end of the week. Plus I've seen the stuff you've been organising and I think some more mini-games would be cool, weird carnival games like shooting targets (paintings) from a long distance and stuff and getting your stuffed teddy/5gc or whatever equivalent prize.
  15. Seeing as though I'm a massive noob at BF3, I thought I did really well here (normally im at the bottom with a poo score) http://twitpic.com/9v35uv/full

    1. MiF


      I wonder if any of those colonel guys thought you are a hacker with fresh account :V

    2. EmRA


      If you only kick ass rarely it feels twice as good.

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      It does happen rarely, but damn I felt awesome, for the last 5 minutes I was top before someone capped a point and killed some guys in a pretty quick succession :<

  16. Slight change: This will only be available to those who are regular MTA players. People who play MTA regularly know who those regulars are. I don't see how I'm being obtuse.
  17. Made me think of the runes from WoW, each time you teleport to a main city you need the rune of teleportation, I guess add something similar to the store but put it at a price where it's more of a treat if anything (plus it could run out after x amount of days or till the map reset) But then again I have no idea what I'm talking about
  18. There is! You don't know my methods of acquiring currency!
  19. 10 million gc/pretzels
  20. god damn! Who let the racist door open?
  21. I'd like to focus on PVP but the stories are far too interesting to give up, I know I should save them for the release but it's so hard D: I have all that time off so I'll be playing it pretty much all day and night.

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