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Mr. Green Gaming

Dr. Pannenkoek

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Everything posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. Nice jugs. +are they yours ywa? Anyway, happy birthday, I hope you have a Dutchtastic day o:
  2. PibWasser Pequeno Pene Escario Carlito Something something spanish +post 100 commenced.
  3. For a second I thought this was about Oblivion.
  4. Andaluca and ERROR posted at the same time. Double fail. (:
  5. See, the spy does teach people french!
  6. If this was a Facebook status, I'd like it. (:
  7. OM NOM NOM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried_pizza
  8. 1. Old Western style area. 2. Library (why not ) 3. Fuel Depot 4. Nucleya Powah Station 5. Building site (Sorta like the one from MW2 Multiplayer) -Highrise?
  9. Or perhaps a map which someone hasnt done before, like a market town or whatever, although trying to come up with ideas for a zs map is quite hard I can say, and competing with the other same type maps is a challenge to make yours come out on top.
  10. Well, to be honest, Stelk is the only mapper I see to have variety in types of maps, yours is a decent map, but very much like the other 10+ random zombie maps.
  12. Heyy Clavus, now we can be same rank buddies.
  13. 1. Billy Mays - Lure them into a trance about chipotlaway 2. Mr. Rogers - Ultimate Showdown victory? 3. Random Furry Spewing 1 liners - Don't lose your head! GTA ref. there 4. The Destroyer - From Borderlands 5. XBox 360 Fanboys - I just want them all to die. Nuff' said. EDIT: I didn't choose Chuck Norris because he's a frequently used condom in this gang-bang of a thread
  14. Ferris Buellers day Off I have the thing on my computer already
  15. Por favor ryan conway That proxy will come in handy for school :3
  16. Just tell the soviet spys to buy better computers or gtfo? Or just have the IDGAS syndrome?
  17. I actually haven't lold at something like that for so long. Thank you.
  18. Kinda ironic, stop all them unnecessary addons by installing this addon...
  19. 1. Wait. what? 2. It's so strange i'm surprised it's not Japanese.
  20. @Massi Whats the ip and the create an account page?
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