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Dr. Pannenkoek

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Everything posted by Dr. Pannenkoek

  1. Err. I'm getting a feeling that we have a troll infestation in dese forums. And it's free speech, if you can't handle criticism then learn to.
  2. Yeah everyone blame the admins. It's all THEIR fault now Now I wish those trolls could be more forgiving... Many have moments that they don't know when to stop. When someone tells you to stop because you get banned otherwise, you know that you should stop. When someone just says "omgstfu troll", that's like asking to continue. I mean, of course, this was probably still a valid reason to get banned for, but I'm just saying helping people change behaviour is better than just banning them. Yeah :/ Talking to a troll is like throwing gasoline onto a fire? This edit just left off-topic station and should be on its way to on-topic sometime whenever.
  3. Yeah everyone blame the admins. It's all THEIR fault now Now I wish those trolls could be more forgiving...
  4. THIS IS SWITZERLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND Your Neutralness! It's beige alert! Sound the silent alarm!
  6. Well, if things go badly you can always come back in 19 years and 9 months!
  7. 3 days using trial account http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Karazhan&cn=Chunkay lol :3
  8. What Clavus said. And even if this was implemented, wouldn't this get abused if say, you were last human, and used this godmode for an extra 20 secs?
  9. Just when you thought it was going to die... BAM!
  10. Lol, he's just C+P'ed it from his previous application.
  11. Very good map, fyi, the toilets are a great place to camp, nail the doors to the floor and, voila! You have a base camp.
  12. @botervloot fyi this is MTA
  13. This reminded me of the phophet of regrets speech in halo 3 :0
  14. Dont quote this shit hot sentence. This is MY view on religion. Say there is this picture, It is a picturesque photograph of a lake, rolling hills with a sunset, around autumn time. There is 2 captions, 1 says "Athiests think this all happened by chance on day" The other says "Christians know a magical wizard created it" nabbed from something i stumbl'd a while ago
  15. If the map was accepted this quickly it should go into GWR for the fastest time Topcrew has accepted it
  16. Yeah, this will sound very strange but: One where the characters have to act really posh and rich with top-hats and champagne and laugh upon common people.
  17. It depends on how much health you start off with. I think :S
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