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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TechnoNegro

  1. Few bucks a month. i bet bf3 wont have same kind of upgrades like in tf2 or gmod, so what about making random bf3 players donate for tf2&gmod&mta upgrades too.
  2. Meh, i pre-ordered it from some random finnish herpy webstore. i want it nao!
  3. bf3 is crap on consoles, cod is crap on pc (i have cod7 on pc), they upgraded the graphigs(aka. Bugged em so it wont work), added that shitty Dive to prone thingy and modded the players and weapons skins. But i bet there isint anything new for cod8. And for bf, they have added all kind of stuff, not just add new/old weapons
  4. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811164093 http://www.newegg.com/Special/ShellShocker.aspx?cm_sp=ShellShocker-_-17-339-024-_-10232011_1 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157263 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136471 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130625 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103851
  5. Cool, i finished my comp too. i think its ready for bf3 nao.
  6. No, actually thats not a problem at all, have fun.
  7. I dont really like that kind of games, but it still looks good. id like it if id like it.
  8. You are a Retard.

  9. i had to read that first post four times to understand how confusing it is. Are you going to have somekind of a movie party or do you just want to know about the movies or tell about em or what the fuck.
  10. TechnoNegro

    Uncharted 3

    i played the beta and tought this released months ago
  11. Well fuck that, i want to play just the day it releases, not to wait 3 days it to come to europe and then wait half a week to slow post to delivery me tha game, and then wait the hardest 15 minutes to install it from the disc. Torrentz.eu , here i come!
  12. is pre-load for origin users that have already bought the game or just for everyone? Or do i just have to torrent it AGAIN D:
  13. i got 99 doughnuts cause my bitch ate one

  14. you showing up in the minimap isint rly a problem, cause u wont show up if nobody sees you, or they do, but you are too far away. so if one guy sees you and you take him out or take cover, you'll dissappear from the minimap. handy. Edit: Just like in counter strike.
  15. well, i am sorry if i hurted your feelings, but ill just post that shitty joke thingy to every post on this topic. but its still kinda ironic. i didint mean it as a straight joke. more like gay joke.
  16. That crash looked like rly bad. Rest in piece? More like Rest in Pieces. Ha! Ha!
  17. Yes, I am seriously complaining about this. Its a small, but an important detail. I dont have 7.1 surround set, but I cant figure out even one way that it would assist my(or anyone else's) gameplay.It's not an important detail at all. Why bother.If you think it's not important, why add it into the game. What? Of course I see him, who said the spotting only applies if he's infront of you. What modded server, I really doubt its possible to disable a feature like that in a server. PS. You're a faggot for downloading this game. Lets say you're playing Operation Metro, sitting in corner of a building on street level, shooting someone across the street/map. Enemy is above you in the building, surrounded by gunfire so he doesnt even figure out you're there. But, wait! Oh, he can see you in the map even though he doesnt have visual contact to you, and so can his friends!Now may someone please present some good arguments why it would be better to have this feature than just leave it out. Jesus, incase you get spotted, just get behind a fucking wall and you'll disappear from the minimap. so stop making shit up, or just stfu.
  18. i really think you should use more facts, not just make stuff up,(bandit and buduadusdon) Because we all know that Vegeta7141 is so fat that he cant even move his dick without shitting his pants. (random nonfact, no offence) its not nice to call anyone a nolife duckfuck.
  19. nobana, are you trying to tell that if someone infront of you starts shooting an AK, you dont spot him? If you dont like it, play a fucking modded server. P.S gonna start downloading it in few hours, and check out the campain. Gotta play while its still fresh :3
  20. Yeah, he was a great driver. When he lived. Ha! Ha! "Da-dum-tsssshh!"
  21. TechnoNegro


    Clavus should become capitalist and maximal the income. not just buy pizza and coke every now and then when some1 donates.
  22. Trading in Tf2 is such a joy.

    1. TechnoNegro


      Started with Killers kabuto, now i got Killers kabuto and 6 other hats.

    2. TechnoNegro


      and whhooollee bunch of other stuff :3

  23. TechnoNegro


    well sorry. i didint know that. but tf2 and gmod are in the same network?
  24. TechnoNegro


    when theres alot of players in minecraft, i think gmod and tf2 (and MTA probably.) lags too.
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