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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  2. That sums up about Half the ZS maps. Can't tell you how true this is. ZS maps don't have to be detailed. It's hard to notice when you're running away from zombies etc. It's like saying male pornstars have to be pretty-boys. I barely play ZS if at all Also I notice details. Those boys better be models
  3. Well, it is your honest opinion, and I wasnt surprised from that respone I mean I did only work on it for less than 4 hours, so lots of stuff could of been made better definitly, but I wanted to see how quickly I could make a map classed for zs that looks decent. You shouldn't release a map when you know it's not really that great. It'll only damage your "reputation".
  4. - Big dull design - Random prop placement - Poor lightning on the environment and props - Zombies can be shot from all directions (poor gameplay and unbalanced) - Long dull walks to get from A to B - Very dark and unlit environments; this doesn't make it unsettling it'll just make it look unrealistic and boring.
  5. Botervloot

    Dutch TV

    Dutch TV in general is quite terrible Mostly the broadcast from other countries or be bought over by other countries
  6. Those are actually the worst Razer has to offer Razer sucks
  7. Botervloot


    90% of them are mods
  8. Underwater utopia
  9. do i even know you

  10. Botervloot


    i find it an indication that this game is good as we all know cod got good reviews..... Not all reviews are from IGN
  11. Botervloot


    Most reviews have been rather "meh" about this game
  12. Haven't we been over this a thousand times already
  13. old and lame
  14. Atleast Blueyoshi is a decent discussion partner in some occasions. I've yet to see this in most other members
  15. Botervloot


    If the reviews are good and the gameplay is true to wolfET then it's a buy for me
  16. Opera Chrome Firefox and Internet Explorer Mostly Firefox
  17. Host forward to online ports
  18. Perfect. Thanks!
  19. The hud has gotten EXTREMELY cluttered.
  20. Totally believable.
  21. Botervloot

    'Dat Cave'

    Doom 4 herp
  22. In this amazing engine, you can procedurally explore the universe! You can even go outside the mainstream milky way and visit other galaxies. It's pretty amazing. It's a Russian mod, but it's in English. This engine doesn't require that good specs, but it is a little buggy since it's not out of beta yet. Link: http://filesmelt.com/dl/SpaceEngine.rar TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!
  23. I don't see any dicks Oh there they are
  24. Kind of I don't care 2000 posts YEAH
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