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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  1. You act like a regular You're implying people what they should do You do, however, have no knowledge of what is currently at play. You should enjoy the community, and enjoy the TF2 servers You bicker about things that aren't your concern or interest at all You're points have no backbone what so ever Why, for the love of all what's awesome, did you come back only to state negative things? It does not do well for your reputation. Aside from the fact that you post once, and then just leave it be.
  2. Secondly, what do you get out of this? I don't even know you at all, and suddenly you make empty accusations of "bad adminship"? I could be nice, but fuck off, this is plain ridiculous.
  3. Whaaat Dude I've only dueled 2 guys And I don't even know you Let alone BANNING someone for LOSING a duel, I haven't even banned anyone for over a month Oh, more bans: • Hakkin was a prick and a provoking bastard. The "advise" to get banned was given by another (admin?) person, and he was pushing the lines. I'm patient, but he was just constantly provoking me. • With NEX is messed up the reason for the ban. I didn't knew how the console commands for banning worked, and the 100 is probably mean for the time of the ban. • Purple Hakkin (see 1) is even more terrible. He's not only a dick, he provoked me outside of the game. Spamming constantly. • Vegeta was delaying the arena game by "taunting" and "playing around" (having fun) therefor delaying the end result of the game. People had to wait about 5-8 min every time before he was done having his fun, only to start again the next round. Plain annoying. They all got what they deserved, most of them aren't even permanent bans. A kick doesn't work you see. They just rejoin and start anew. A ban is far more effective.
  4. You could just use his avatar
  5. Botervloot


    Amazing promise So far didn't fail to deliver Looking forward to it.
  6. Suicide is the pussy way out Apply as a mercenary. I heard it's a real life changer.
  7. Ywa Marbles or pebbles?
  8. Create own network
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. You could have just stayed admin and have taken a "time-out". Good luck regardless.
  11. Looks great, though the sky is really bland. Adding a more interesting skybox to it can greatly enhance the immersion!
  12. Lookin' good.
  13. Comments - Light_environment doesn't fit the lightning of the skybox; fix this by measuring the light of the skybox (do that by selecting the color of the moon) and adding this to the color of the light_environment. - Though the outside looks interesting in terms of geometry, it would also be fun for the zombies to add physics props. The zombies can throw those around. Perhaps also some cover for the zombies to hide behind. - Some inside area's are far too open and bland; planning these areas better, by making several rooms or separating them by making 2 buildings, instead of one big one. - Different colors of light might make it more interesting. Beware that it doesn't become too distracting for the player. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To make certain spots more interesting, you can use several things (all examples): - env_steam with some pipes. The steam blowing from the pipes should be minimal, and should only be made to give it a nice touch. Other effects are also preferable. Just make sure they make sense (lasers coming from steam pipes make no sense, even in Hammer). - Slightly destructed/destructible environment. It'll give it immersion, and a sense of decay. Note that this shouldn't be used in say, new modern buildings. - Select a certain style when you start map: don't try to combine modern and ancient together (unless this is part of the style). Say, you'd choose a "Forest" style; you don't want any shiny metal and brand new pipes there. You'd want to have an almost 100% wood based map, with overgrown plants and flora everywhere. - Look at Team Fortress 2. Using way to many signs isn't a bad thing. New players need to get around maps they don't know yet. Make sure they know where everything is, by using signs or obvious routes (darkened areas usually mean something "off-road", lit areas mean something where they can go). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall, I can see you're improving and trying different things. Make sure you think before you map; draw things and ideas on a paper first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very interesting website to look for input from professional mappers. They also describe different workflows. http://www.worldofleveldesign.com/ Free e-book workflow! http://www.worldofleveldesign.com/categories/books_dvds/ultimate-level-design-guide-11day-level-design-guide-ebooks.php
  14. Hah, the blue ones
  15. Botervloot

    E3 2011

    No You're not going to use it anyway, and it just emphasizes your lack of discipline with money.
  16. Stalker ofcourse. Stalker has been around for much longer, and there are a lot of mods and freedom that metro simply cannot offer.
  17. This game keeps on getting better and more attractive.
  18. Whoa I'm surprised I even made it to that list
  19. The original thread isnt there since the forums had to be restored from last tuesday's backup Right you are, my bad.
  20. I have to say, I quite liked it. Still, it's not really that subtle even so. Only after a lot of trail and error did I see how I could make it. The lightning is really bland, and so is the environment. I also disliked the use of the portal-gun; I didn't really use it that much at all.
  21. Obviously it does have it's own physics engine.
  22. The deadline is far too soon. Also, if Clavus just got to know the portal 2 tools, he won't stand a chance.
  23. Happy birthday!
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