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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. VMR

    CS:S Stock

  2. My school blocks all programs except for Safari, FireFox, google chrome and Skype
  3. 10/10 ONESTOP RULES! inb4 0/10
  4. That looks like a poorly made 'russebuss'. It's a celebration everyone does in Norway when they graduate. They buy 'russeklær' (clothes they wear) and celebrate before and after the national holiday. It's popular to have a van with your 'crew', while some choose to buy a bus. It's basicly just an awesome month long party, and I can't fucking wait http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A678990 Really small article about russ.
  5. VMR

    Funny Vids

    That is funny shit in general. Rather go to this topic. On a side related note, that is my topic. Has nothing to do with it! *ahem* That's the favorite video topic, I think he should post his 'Funny Vids' in the fun topic
  6. VMR

    Funny Vids

    When will people learn to use the search function? Lock this topic and redirect him to the other one(s)? Try this one for example
  7. VMR


    ... Attempted rap? It's called a poem Say it fast with a beat and where's the difference? There`s no "I got hoes on my dick, money in tha bank" so no, this is not a rap
  8. VMR


    ... Attempted rap? It's called a poem
  9. PS move. Not sure I'm going to buy it, but I'll definitely try it one way or another
  10. VMR

    The golden list

    Lol you little gangster you made me the "UPDATE WANTER" xD
  11. VMR

    The golden list

    Noone. except for me :>
  12. VMR

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  13. I'm still playing it
  14. 3/10 Press the link
  15. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    Won't be long untill this is everyone's regular server.
  16. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    They've already said no
  17. I like the customization
  18. Awesome
  19. The system is actually quite simple, yet awesome. Read about it here.
  20. Looks epic
  21. After seeing you fooling around a lot today, I've changed my mind. Not fit for admin imo Neutral.
  22. I only drink water But I must warn you: I eat twice as much chips as anyone else in this community. Warning: Notte eats twice as much peanuts than anoyone else in the community He's allergic to peanuts. One peanut could kill him.
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