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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. How do you make space between face and helmet?
  2. Someone call PETA also; cool video ;P
  3. VMR


    Been following Freddiew for a while, he has a lot of cool action-shorts
  4. No. Just no.
  5. Oh shit, maybe I should consider those glasses after all xD
  6. -SuperSnipp'd- The best I've ever bought (by valve) is probably gmod(team Garry), Team fortress 2, Counter Strike Source and CSS and CS 1.6 non valve, I think It's metal gear solid series and BFBC2.
  7. Ozzy's basement
  8. Crashed after 10-15 minutes.
  9. Lucky bastard
  10. It was during night. I was bored.
  11. Tall tower is tall
  12. Just added a join and leave command, so I can set it to join sevral channels at a time, and I made it write the away command to a text file, so it can be saved for later use.
  13. Well it's pretty basic. Try adding an attack script like the one on CrowbarBot (just make sure it doesn't use the command !attack). I'm thinking more usefull commands... An attack command is easy to make, it just takes time to write all the schtuff, + we already have CrowbarBot for that, right? Thank you
  14. I don't know if this is artistic or not, but I'll just post it here :] Commands through private chat (Can't be used by anyone but me) say [message] - The bot sends the message to the main channel away [reason] - If anyone says my name, it sais I'm away, then the reason back - turns off the away command... restart - restarts the program login - logs it in to NickServ (It logs in automatically when launching though) stop - shuts it down Commands through the main channel (can be used by anyone) [owners name] - sends the away message to the same channel !SacriBot - sends a line of info about the bot I was thinking you guys could maybe give some feedback or suggestions?
  15. I fully support you, as always. I still think Necrossin is the best candidate for now.
  16. Going to cycle in the Pyrenees, I'll be back in 9 days. Just thought I'd tell you guys before I left. Leaving tomorrow morning, so this is the last I'll see of you before I go. I might get the chance to hang around in the IRC channels if the hotel we're staying has internet, but I'm not sure See you the 1st of August
  17. I don't see how this can possibly fit at all Easy way out would be deathrun, and the ones who do good start with better weps or something... e: First sevral rounds of deathrun, then at the end of the round it changes to gungame. Bad idea, I know.
  18. Or you could use the ------------------ 6/10 Kinda... wierd song ;p Uhm, just throwing a random song in there also; inb4 political war
  19. Can't wait :]
  20. Could be a misunderstanding if me or Toaster were blocking exploits in a tricky area... I get a lot of people yelling abuser etc. not all of them get that I'm fixing something...
  21. There's other fun stuff you can do on the computer besides gaming
  22. It's not wasted, it's entertainment. It's like watching TV, or watching a movie. It's better than most things you do in your every day life.
  23. VMR

    Virus Alert

  24. Amazing TheDemoTube has something (I belive was) made by the same person,
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