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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. I think the turrets are good now, the only thing I hate about IW now (and I know most of the people that plays the server) is the Dead Effort upgrade (Behemoth explodes on death). Even the super-fast turret regen you (Clavus :]) added last update can't keep up with that. it's impossible to survive when there's a behemoth that has that upgrade against you. I played wolfenstein just a few rounds ago, and Nøtte was the behemoth. He has the upgrade, and got my turret down to about 10% health in 1 life. He just ran, shot me once with meatcannon, then waited for me to kill him and he almost had me killed + turret on low hp. Turret regen is also very high.. If your turret is down at 50% health you could have it up to 100% in like 1 minute. Even faster if you have Organic Harvest 1 and 2. I think turrets should stay as they are right now, maybe go back to the old turrets you had to place (they were sweet) and just buff them a little, giving them faster rate of fire + faster target tracking or something. At least that would require some brain to place them at the right spots.
  2. You all look super-hot.
  3. mah smileh >:]
  4. We already have "Funny shit" thread, why make another one just like it? let's make this one a "General video's that's really good!" thread Part 1 Part 2 Amazing videos, they look so professional.
  5. I've known you for quite some time now, never seen you do anything 'stupid' ever, you're always nice, and keewl If we're ever going to go with another Gmod admin, Necrossin is the perfect one IMO. Go NECROSSIN, GO!
  6. whether you like it or not, you have to admit those are beautiful... :]
  7. 4/10 poor quality, and I'm not going to say they're just screaming this time, but it's impossible to notice any meaningfull lyrics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrdwhXNt4qw epic loop
  8. Ok that last one is actually pretty cool
  9. This is the last weeks video. Oh yeah.
  10. VMR

    Dai! :A

  11. Not exactly funny, but extremely well made
  12. Who is this person?
  13. *draco* Drayco malfoy His chin is diffrent. + draco has diffrent eyes head shape looks the same though
  14. Ywa reminds me of a Fearow... also: Pics of Hundred2 and Toaster ASAP!
  15. I just came to this episode, and I wtf'd Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc5dbmND_9I
  16. Wow, I'm surprised Why did you rage at the picture Redgord/Clavus/boter/whoever it was posted last time?
  17. It would add more challenges. If hats were to be added, I suggest only small ones, like baseball caps etc. But doesnt this sort of ruin the IW thing? What Clavus said: "The suits were made to fit in with the overall style. If I'd add more hats, it would become just as much of a circus as Zombie Survival." I find IW way more circus-like than ZS ;p I get the point though, but something to work for would be nice. Something visual, so it'd be a goal to achieve it.
  18. Is fire red and leaf green for the Nintendo DS aswell, or is it just the Heart gold and Soul silver?
  19. 6/10 Well, OK to be that genera, I suppose ^^
  20. VMR


    What a coincidence....
  21. It would add more challenges. If hats were to be added, I suggest only small ones, like baseball caps etc.
  22. Lol'd xD
  23. I agree with QTesla on the Titles and the hats Would be awesome to have hats in IW aswell :] The upgrade for behemoth that blows it up should be removed. It's simply too overpowered. The meatrocket is sure to remove all the suitpower, and the player barely has time to regen 12 suit before the next shot comes, so the only choice is to kill it, but if it does, you die. It would be more balanced if you (Clavus) edited it, and made it do 50% damage back to the shooter -.- Other than that, I'm pretty happy about IW right now... KS isn't really a problem in IW, unless you're a zombie. And the Egon beamcannon should be removed. If there's 18 players one round, 6 of them drop out on an average. That's all I can think of. Remove OP behe shopitem Remove Egon beamcannon Maybe add some achievements or other stuff to get people hooked as QTesla mentioned and btw: I love the useless upgrades, like death pursuit for Bones xD
  24. Thats a Per Øyvind joke ( A old teacher of Sacri) Hahahahaha I love Per Øyvind
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