I agree with QTesla on the Titles and the hats Would be awesome to have hats in IW aswell :] The upgrade for behemoth that blows it up should be removed. It's simply too overpowered. The meatrocket is sure to remove all the suitpower, and the player barely has time to regen 12 suit before the next shot comes, so the only choice is to kill it, but if it does, you die. It would be more balanced if you (Clavus) edited it, and made it do 50% damage back to the shooter -.- Other than that, I'm pretty happy about IW right now... KS isn't really a problem in IW, unless you're a zombie. And the Egon beamcannon should be removed. If there's 18 players one round, 6 of them drop out on an average. That's all I can think of. Remove OP behe shopitem Remove Egon beamcannon Maybe add some achievements or other stuff to get people hooked as QTesla mentioned and btw: I love the useless upgrades, like death pursuit for Bones xD