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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Haha I did this when I was a kid! One hour before I went to bed, I kept thinking I'm awake, I'm awake, I'm awake.... when I went to bed, I kept saying it to myself, and I remembered it in my sleep. The dreams are straight up epic. I flew around the earth while fighting monsters with laser pistols xD
  2. Explosion damage doesn't multiply if it hits multiple hitboxes. My theory is that the server and client sometimes think the player has different suit modes activated at the same moment. Also, this is just a theory, I could be wrong. What I ment was that the damage first hits the lower hitbox, then the upper hitbox (as head or body), and that the server thinks the player got hit by two explosions. edit* I doubt the server thinks it's a diffrent suit mode. I've been alone, camping with full hp,and I switch to Armor, and press the armor button several times to make sure, then I get 1 hitted by Behemoth.
  3. Wrong. The armor bug isn't real, I don't think it ever was. The Behemoth's Rocket Launcher's damage is scaled by the amount of humans on the server currently. Two zombies, one Behemoth, twenty humans equals, well, the damage is times twenty, I guess. I'm kind of tired of people whining about how it's a 'bug' just out a rage. However, yes, CJA is a well-known player. One attack can never drain both suit and health in Infected Wars. This is why behemoth normally only drains your suit, and the slow rate of fire gives you time to switch to regen, regain a few suit units (6-12 normally) then switch back to armor just as the behemoth shoots the new rocket. That's what John Caveson did, and that's what pissed RockstarEnergy off (I think). The so called armor bug is when the explosion from the meatrocket hits more than one hitbox, so that the human gets damaged twice by one rocket, first draining all your suit power, then killing you. That's why you need a lot of players for this bug to actually kill you, because the rocket damage multiplayer is 8*[amount of players] if I'm not mistaken. For it to kill a Supply (120 hp) you would need at least 15 players. This is not facts, it's just a theory most people belive in (including myself)
  4. That made no sense xD Norwegian translation?
  5. Remove them.
  6. VMR

    TF2 Jokes

    .. how is that a TF2 joke?
  7. No. Shut up... Its better than anja... Dude don't remind me of that xD That wasn't on purpose
  8. No.
  9. Nice phone
  10. VMR

    Epic sax guy is epic, but gif is loong :C

  11. Me neither. /me cries deeply
  12. What about removing dead effort, then making the zombie team more powerfull in general? Behemoth is both overpowered (he is supposed to be like that though) and bugged. Behemoth should stay as he/it is now. (without Dead Effort ) That way, it's easier to balance the teams, and the behemoth will be more like a leader of the undeads, instead of a gigantic undead tank slaughtering it's way through the Special forces' defences
  13. A lot of things in the shop are lame. Example: Warghoul suit. Why mark with anything? It's not very IW ish. Yes it is. Making humans more OP is not IW ish. Special ops should be overpowered. Btw what's your opinion that zombies win almost all rounds? What's YOUR opinion on noobs playing humans winning with ease?
  14. A lot of things in the shop are lame. Example: Warghoul suit. Why mark with anything? It's not very IW ish. Yes it is. Making humans more OP is not IW ish. Warghoul is the "weakest" undead class in IW, and I can't really say I use it a lot It needs a little boost
  15. 32 With cl_cmdrate +30 I get 1-5 at most servers...
  16. The Donator Price: 10 000 Description: Bought everything else, and need something to spend your GreenCoins on? Does: Nothing.
  17. This whole situation is for the topcrew to decide, if you want to argue about it, do it in the IRC or something.
  18. Why? xD 1. I say we start by removing shop items first *cough*Dead Effort*cough* 2. That way all the zombies would run around with tags. This is just making it even easier for the humans to survive, the humans already win about 20% of the matches. bullets which makes the person hit pop up through wall does not belong in a zombie apocalypse. 3. Stalkers are great as they are now. Backstabs are for TF2 4. Cool idea, but it's kinda OP. 10% less drain or maybe 5% less would be cool :]
  19. Bump http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmdc1oXuVE4&hd=1
  20. One of my first times playing ZS (lol)
  21. 1. ERROR <3 2. Toaster <3 3. Hundred 4. Lemon :U 5. Messy 6. Nøtte :] 7. Stalker-Dude 8. All the IW players 9. Rest of the community except from Mr.Darkness
  22. Damage to humans: 0 Damage to turrets:0 Win.
  23. Hilarious :']
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