It's official We're fucked Actually I love playing the demo with the Eyelander. And the targe gives me an advantage against Axon I went back to Demo anyways. I missed the stickies.
This is one of the most awesome pictures I've ever taken. My brother throws the cat in the air, I take a picture, and my brother catches the cat again. And the result was awesome.
Demoman's Fro + Mining Light gave me a Vintage Tyrolean. Nice (I had two Fro's anyway) And I'm not a Demo anymore, but a Soldier. He has better lines, better guns, and better unlocks.
Quoting this because I was right. Quoting this because he was right. Quoting this because they were right. Quoting this because we all were right. Quoting this because we're all WRONG.
There is a command that just disables the random ones. So a Sniper/Ambassador HS is still a crit, Kritzkrieg still works, Axtinguisher still works, KGB still works.