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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. All the trailers look like Michael fucking Bay movies. Oh wait. Anyways, it's gonna suck ass. We already agreed on this, right? Why is thread here? As Hundred said, I'll probably download it for singleplayer. Just watched the second video on the post above mine, it looks exactly like MW2.
  2. Fucking hilarious. I'm gonna sub and add that guy to my friends list :]. Also, got MBT Service Star and CITV. Anyone up for Gunner+CITV station? Gonna be fucking awesome.
  3. Gonna get Service Star with Engineer soon then work my way through the last unlocks. I have like, a few guns left I think, for the Engineer class. Also, Service Star with M4A1 on the way, too. Also, MBT Service Star. And then I work on Assault. :]
  4. scout has blue gloves. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  5. snip
  6. CS:GO actually sucks, so. Yeah, this is gonna be awesome. I really doubt it'll be mindblowing, new and and original, though. Sure, it'll be fun but nothing short of "been there done that". e: a family man
  7. Infact MC is gearing towards PvP, spells and combat, its more fun too imo. Apparently it isn't even done properly most of the time. I've been reading through the hacker reporting topic, now this, all I've read so far are complaints on the system. I understand what you're saying, though, it's fun if it's done correctly and fairly, but that really never happens, in any game.
  8. I don't think MC was made for that. I could be wrong, though.
  9. Translation: he against me every time he's been after reloggen sorry I'm sorry I do not this is the 4th time already. Even though I don't play MC that much, let alone am ABLE to play MC Multiplayer, enabling PvP on a BUILDING/EXPLORING indie game is just pure retardation. Why? Why do you enable it? To allow DMers such as this to roam free and annoy everybody? I understand enabling PvP in giant and awesome events, but for casual/building play, why?
  10. That guy has inspired me to start using Jets and AA guns more often. He's a fucking beast. On the forums.. Source Hi-motherfucking-five.
  11. Yes. EmRA, where are you man? Did you remove me from SF? :[ I need you to fix my Battlelog avatar, it looks all pixelated.
  12. got old a while ago thanks to hundred :|
  13. I still hate Recon, man. :] @Miffy; awesome, almost got MBT service star.
  14. MY CHI IS MAD FOCUSED YO e: how do you get service stars on vehicles? and if it's like the classes where can you see progress?
  15. US and Russia, apparently.
  16. http://battlelog.bat...55391323090549/ We usually use headsets in steamchat though. It's fun constantly hearing "BACK UP NO SHIT MOVE IT WHAT TEAM ARE YOU ON NO GUYS NO WHAT THE FUCK SEE FOUR AHHH FUCK SHIT SHIT SHIT I NEED A MEDIC NEED A MEDIC NEED AMMO ENEMY DOWN HEADSHOT YEAHHHHHHH FFFUUUUUCK" You have to remember to use cover and never underestimate the enemy. Pulling out a pistol is faster than reloading, use semi-auto at range and automatic mode when you don't want to be constricted (when you're moving in on an objective, etc).Most importantly, do not ever try to out-snipe an SVD or SKS.
  18. Oh, I forgot EmRA, Nobana wasn't there. My bad.
  19. Play the night away with Clavus, EmRA, Navo, Miffy, and Hundred. Hear Hundred screaming "SEE FOUR SEE FOUR MAYDAY MAYDAY SHIT WHAT IS GOING ON SHIT SHIT SHIT I JUST GOT KICKED IN THE BALLS MAN ON THE EDGE OF THE BORDERS SHITTTT" good times also, EOD robot is fucking badass
  20. Limited Edition has Back to Karkand and the four extra skins DLC. Not the Physical Warfare pack. What? The limited edition I bought came with Back to Karkand and Physical Warfare. Also, on the last mission of Co-op with my friend, I'm a bit disappointed there's no jet mission, but everything else was awesome.
  21. I got the PC version, and I suggest you add me since I am indeed a very good screamer on the mic. It tries to be CoD because CoD gets a lot of sales and they think they need to make it like CoD to get more sales, they're obviously wrong. Also, what's QET? Forgot to mention, I just got my Physical Warfare code. :]
  22. 2/10
  24. The beta barely ever crashed for me. Mayco isn't crashing. I'm not crashing. People I know aren't crashing. Go submit a complaint, man.
  25. I actually like Origin like I like Steam. I don't understand why you don't.I don't see why Battlelog is slow, it's fine for me and I actually like a bit of originality and change. Yes, having to launch the game from the browser is sometimes annoying, I'll admit.Graphics are fine for me on medium and I get a decent FPS.BouweV, what the fuck are you talking about? What do you need to register on to play BF?I don't ever crash since I updated Punkbuster. I honestly think the game deserves the GOTY title. I'm not being biased, I'm not being retarded, I honestly think that, with a few changes, it could turn out to be even better. The only flaws I see here is the fact that I have to waste 5 missiles on an armored jeep before it dies, parachuting is complicated and there are problems with the Physical Warfare pack I was promised. I think that'll be solved tomorrow, however.
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