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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. BF3 is gonna be a masterpiece, just don't worry :].
  2. 8/10
  3. Happy birthday :]
  4. I can't wait for thisssss.
  6. I'm not coming, sorry.
  7. Looks like CS1.6: Source.
  8. I apologize for my inactivity, getting ready for school and such; Can I still have a spot? Me and Hundred may dominate you as Heavy Medic.
  9. The Mr. Green servers all lag, it's the replay. I know this from experience because whenever I join a replay server it's laggy as fuck and when I'm in a server that doesn't allow replays, I'm fine.
  10. Bad motherfucking Company 2 FPS. I love everything about it. The medals, the realism, the 'teamwork', everything.
  11. Such fucking nostalgia. Infected Wars and now Zombie Master.. I told him to make ZS more infected war like but just giving zombies guns and then with all the rest of the shit it would be like IW ZS KF and Zombie master in one That be cool Are you retarded? That'd be IW. And yes, I'd like it, but IW=/=ZS.
  12. Such fucking nostalgia. Infected Wars and now Zombie Master..
  13. Necrossin likes to make his own rules, he'd ban me if I did that.The same thing can be done on Local, I don't see why this guy is making a big deal and forcing Damien and Pufulet's hand. NECROSSIN is a coder who works his fucking ass off. He deserves a laugh at fucked up barrels. Congratulations, Shadows, I'm sorry for flaming, but you have won 'dumbass of the year'. You forgot to read THIS and if you want an admin's rights revoked, you'd better get solid evidence.
  14. My brother says it's good. Please clarify bro I'm buying the game unless you give me several reasons to why you think it sucks.
  15. My brother says it's good. Please clarify bro
  16. As soon as I get home, I'm buying BC2 (unless someone tells me not to in some form of a logical statement). And when BF3 comes out, I'm buying that too. FUCK YEAH. Well my mom's gonna buy it not me but she loves me so it's an equal price
  17. I bet it's gonna cost like 500$
  18. the mommy stays in the bathroom..
  19. Don't you think after the third or fourth ban that he deserves a perma? :>
  20. There were plenty of Steam sales to redeem yourself. Bought CoH instead.
  21. i bought mw2 then bc2 came out now i sit here depressed.
  22. yay gg
  23. i don't know what circa texan war of indepence is but american HOOAH lol mexicans would you rather uh fuck idk uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh say yes instead of no
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