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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. mw2 is horrible that being said, your MC commentary is coo' keep it up
  2. What's a piston and how to make
  3. no, they don't in order to do that you will need to dl several mp3 files from the server, resulting in frustration and more complaining from you peopleyou can just go to garrysmod/garrysmod/sounds/ and edit your lasthuman_fixed.mp3 simple, i know
  4. true dat
  5. You're already an admin..?
  6. Can we stick in this rule please? Let admins deal with this :> (They know best what to do) Just because they have a blue name? Not all administrators are automatically skilled in banning or judging. I remember when me, Messy and a few other people farmed a bit on Infected Wars. I told Cowchucker, and bam, nothing happened. He just said not to do it again. Just because someone farmed in the past, Pufulet, it doesn't mean they will farm again. You don't know people, and anyone can change. You should stop acting like Judge Dredd or whoever, It may be my opinion, but it's still valid.
  7. he wants a more specific rules list to blame something other than himself durp
  8. Happy birthday. I remember when you were just a SA on Garry's Mod and you were making a film with Cowchucker about Infected Wars. I asked you "How'd you get that shotgun?" when you were a Bones and you introduced the achievement system. It was on that map with the lighttower or whatever. Good times..
  9. Selling: Vintage Shooter's Sola Topi. Backpack: http://www.tf2items....kmyfuckinghorn1. Wanted: Vintage hat (preferably for the Sniper class). ISN'T THAT SHIT ORGANIZED
  10. What the hell? You're not admin?
  11. chrome.
  12. 0:56. Left top corner. GMAN APPERANCE
  13. Pufulet's maps are old???
  14. They did.
  15. Best. Meet The. Ever. I'm so proud to be an expert medic.
  16. He swears at new players? Really? He just acts all retarded, but I never saw him swear..
  17. yes fucking free opinions they don't do shit Just think of it like this, girls: You, NECRO, nobody can fix ZS, for it has been tainted by modern RPG-ness. Something will always be wrong in one players eyes, and once this changes to that players liking, another player hates it. An endless, horrible loop.
  18. BUT MOM HE STARTED IT ))))))))))): You did pretty much spam, in what I see in the first log. You keep using the word 'nawbz', as if it's a normal thing to say.
  19. What did not start? What does that even mean? zs_ravenholm is one of the best classic ZS maps.
  20. Barely any of these maps are actually old. zs_clav_pillar? No way.
  21. Why no barrel factory why
  22. Silver Dot

    Help me.

    I thought of that, but every time I use fraps, it becomes laggy and the footage is laggy too. Because FRAPs is fucking horrible for Source games. Shit, it's horrible for everything. Do this if you haven't done it: open console record a stop disconnect to main menu host_framerate 30 startmovie a avi, it'll minimize you to select a codec, I suggest you download Xvid or whatever it's called. adjust settings (quality etc) enter game start a wait for the shit to finish, it'll be laggy and without sound endmovie voila, you should have a high quality, decompressed video in your game folder with barely any size.
  23. I don't think you can make a code that tracks the 'zombie strikes'. Plus zombie melee attacks are pretty uncoordinated, thus rendering the whole leveling system for levels 5 and 6 null and void. Secondly, honestly, ANOTHER agile class? Please, god, no. Thirdly, two pros and one con? That one con is pretty generic. "Not an army guy" basically means you're weaker than a military soldier, and HOW is that true? How about making a 'set-up' option to make your sniper way more accurate. Like a bipod or whatever. If you choose not to set up the sniper, you won't get an accuracy bonus. Remember balance. I don't think one hit kills for any body part but the occipital lobe (for simplicity's sake, this is basically a part in the head) should be included for the class.
  24. No offense, but that's not that good. Remember the old system where you randomly had to find weapons? That was also bad. It'll increase medics and berserkers running around like flies and ninjas that are impossible to catch. Other barricading positions are bad without engineers and support-s, which are slow compared to medics and berserkers.
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