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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. Max Payne was always a masterpiece. It had the type of thriller story that kept you up at night, scared, thinking what's gonna happen next. That show with the serial killer freaked me out. The playhouse where Mona was in gave me nightmares :|. I also loved the comic-format they had.
  2. That is outrageous!!
  3. Naturally? What is that Moonshine thing, man? It's in your title too. What is that?
  4. Sacriii, mannnnn. Happy birthday. :]
  5. how so Yeah how dares he play in a way that I do not prefer. What an asshole Totally. :] Anyways, I restarted my game. Gonna do flawless playthrough, no cheats, no switching from Master mode. Plus gonna join Stormcloaks. Fuck the pol- I mean, Empire. And Thalmor.
  6. ...how is that relevant? :| Agreed. I think it would've been better to use English subs and Russian speaking. I mean, hey, you might even learn a few words?
  7. So? Maybe you'd think about actually fast travelling/running now???
  8. ...yeah. anyways this is my char right here yo badass moment. master difficulty. story writes itself.
  9. Was that directed to me?? It was probably directed to any and all twats that didn't buy the game and are maybe thinking of pirating it.
  10. what
  11. Immersion music for when you're walking around ;]
  12. lol I'm on Master and I only switch it to Adept when facing super high level faggots (god damn falmers yo) and I only ever cheated to get some iron bars to get Smithing up.
  13. I'm probably gonna get an infraction or whatever for saying this, but I'll say it anyway. Shock120, you should go away. Nobody likes you and you are not contributing to the community in any way whatsoever.
  14. a bit obsessive there aren't you
  15. 5/10
  16. The game fucking sucks if you cheat. It's much more rewarding to work for it.
  17. Except it's FUS DO RAH :| and that page is in Mexican or some shit.
  18. I guess they're just trying to imitate CoD and popular music. Y'kno, the WUB WUB WUB WUBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
  19. Go to your local smith and stand in front of that hide-on-sticks thing to do some tanning. To mine, obtain a pickaxe and find ore veins (static rocks with veins running through them). Usually found in mines of course. If you want ingots, go to a furnace. One can be found in Whiterun when you enter at the right, at the back of the Shieldmaiden's or whatever that shop is called.
  20. I didn't crash once. /piratehat E: Wait, you can sprint? HOW?!
  21. Just buy it. Singleplayer sucks ass. E: It's probably gonna be a bitch to pirate it due to Battlelog and shit..I dunno, didn't pirate it so yeah.
  22. I've started on Master. :]
  23. Good luck, yo. I don't play MC but you look like a nice guy on the forums.
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