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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Got another map in Elektro's general store. Killed my second mans today (first on this char), got his Revolver, compass, watch and something else I don't remember. I also got a frag grenade from him. Low on .357 ammunition. NOT DEAD YET I also strongly suggest that newbies watch this video, very informative. I may be the only one but I don't see the use for maps. You don't see where you are on them and you can just use a DayZ map on google.
  2. Silver Dot

    Day Z

  3. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    oops delete this post i thin idk
  4. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Connected today, found another map. Met up with a guy I know, name's Hobbyist. I accidentally got into the water and lost all my shit, so we went to the Airfield. He got shot by some guy with an M4 and went down as I went around to flank him. I don't know if I killed him or not, but the guy disappeared and I went to his spot and picked up an M4 and 2 mags. I'm bleeding out with 5000 HP and some water, with no food or backpack or bandages. Only painkillers, Makarov with 4 mags, M4 with 2 mags and a map. Edit: Decided to die. I respawned next to the airfield and I was like "holy shit this luck". I sprinted to the Airfield, where I died. Then I got to my death-site, oh my god. My items. I walk up the stairs after I got my M9 and shit back, found a G17C. I ran out of the Airfield and disconnected to find another server. I eventually found one, but it was at night. So I go to click "Abort". I clicked "Respawn". sigh.
  5. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    all of those names are unoriginal and cliche i love them
  6. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Arrowhead and free arma II are the only things needed, but apparently you have worse textures if you use the free one. Which is actually better in a way, since my comp is pretty good and can't really handle ARMA on low. I actually heard some shit where you need the purchased version of ARMA 2, and that it won't work on the free vers. Fuck if I know.
  7. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Any engine can with sufficient tweaking. In the end it's all just code. It is possible true, but it would need BIG changes to the engine, because with current things (how it calculates movements etc) there is simply not enough powers to run that. Don't even know if the engine itself can handle it. But yeah. I would drool over game like that (Cryengine level graphics/fysics, and gamearea size of Arma) It's coming. Soon. I also suggest some music that anyone could try some while playing DayZ. It's really fitting. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1VreyJwMVM&feature=related
  8. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    I had a good day going. Lots of bandages and ammo. Then, I found a map. Seconds later, a bandit killed me.
  9. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Ok guys, my problem has apparently been fixed. Thanks to everyone that helped. I downloaded the 1.7 patch and I gotta say, you guys HAVE to download it. It completely erases any traces of bad FPS and long loading times, at least for me.
  10. you're super cool
  11. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    So uh. After I managed to get in a server after around two hours of waiting and mashing enter, I started to make my way through many forests, where my framerate was below 10 most of the time. I got to a town, got surrounded by zombies and spent all my Makarov ammunition. When I entered a house for shelter, they phased inside the walls and teleported around. I decided to die and alt-tabbed out (I had 850 HP left). When I come back, I see that the zombies have disappeared and my health is still 850. I decided to abort. I can't tell whether it's the fragmentation on my disks, but I can't even run BF3 on low without lagging to shit. My first impression of DayZ was varied, and hopefully the framerate problem will be fixed once I re-install windows for the 800'th time. Except I doubt it will because Clavus said there are framerate issues.
  12. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    i just bought it ahahaaaaaaa
  13. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    you guys use mic communication, i hope? i talked it over with my mommy and i think i'll buy it.
  14. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    Is DayZ free? Dumb question, yeah, but I've seen mods like this that cost money. Also, if I buy ARMA, will you guys play with me :3
  15. happy birthday yoshi do you post that vid on every bday thread
  16. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    i want arma now who am i kidding i've wanted arma forever
  17. Silver Dot

    Day Z

    i want arma now who am i kidding i've wanted arma forever
  18. i don't play minecraft but from the reports i can see that it's totally meh. when you get many people that can barely spell complaining about retarded shit, you know something's wrong. change is always usually good, and this seems like a couple of reasonable compromises.
  19. is this site legit nvm yes it is ty
  20. how about just don't do the !ravebreak
  21. Rare occasion? Someone does it at the end of every round. It almost gave me a seizure! nah i kid but now that i think about it it doesn't really harm anybody as long as it's the end of the round when everybody votes
  22. Just do stopsounds in console to disable the music. You can't really kill the headbanging.
  23. Am I the only one who is surprised by the bullshit between Assault Expert and Supplies Expert? The hardest thing you have to do for Assault Expert is kill a couple babies. Then you get a gun that shoots fire. The hardest thing you have to do for Supplies Expert is to heal 77,000 health-points. As a reward, you get a gun. Doesn't shoot electricity or anything - just a gun. pls.
  24. seventy seven thousand healed points seventy seven THOUSAND HEALED POINTS mother of god
  25. make the hyperion jump take less time and lessen the %'s. also change the name, how does it do any form of recon?
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