so uh this chick i haven't talked to in 3 years just talked to her over facebook yesterday she sounded p. happy to finally see my text, and i wanna keep that goin'. point is i'm having trouble finding topics of conversation i am not very sociable. also i get anxious whenever i talk to her, not just her but actually i get anxious whenever i open facebook any help from you guys? part 2 ok so i talked to her again, talked a small bit before i had to go eat and uh talked a bit about her new school, how she made tons of friends in the past 3 years (me not telling her i made like 2) asked about the classmates, she said she doesn't give a shit about them so she just kinda doesn't really care i guess i'm on a blank here guys, really blank. do i just ask "what music do you like" just completely randomly? she has a bf and i just wanna be her friend i really have no intention of getting my dick wet really do i try invite her to movie? what do? also: i left without her goodbye it makes me sad edit: fixed, shiiiiit