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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  2. i tried to play minecraft multiplayer since the beta didn't work because of that error or when i connected i got extreme, unreal lag
  3. if i played minecraft would i be allowed to join? judge me so that i may be worthy
  4. Silver Dot

    Forts for sale!

    this is a spectacular idea!
  5. Silver Dot


    where are the augmentations where are my cyberarms nah but that was a p. cool clip, man. nice job.
  6. Silver Dot


    i don't think i'd do well as her bf y'kno. she likes macho men and i'm all like not that. it wouldn't hurt getting a gf but i'm not that interested in her.
  7. Silver Dot


    i don't think she thinks i'm into her
  8. didn't credit hun- fuck it's a shame that certain people don't have the creation kit huh nice job yo, i'm hoping you posted this find on official forums or something?
  9. yes more MORE YES
  10. Silver Dot


    she said to tell her when i'm back like right after i left for food/aoe3 and now i'm sleeping what do :[
  11. Silver Dot


    i'll keep this in mind my thanks to you
  12. Silver Dot


    so uh this chick i haven't talked to in 3 years just talked to her over facebook yesterday she sounded p. happy to finally see my text, and i wanna keep that goin'. point is i'm having trouble finding topics of conversation i am not very sociable. also i get anxious whenever i talk to her, not just her but actually i get anxious whenever i open facebook any help from you guys? part 2 ok so i talked to her again, talked a small bit before i had to go eat and uh talked a bit about her new school, how she made tons of friends in the past 3 years (me not telling her i made like 2) asked about the classmates, she said she doesn't give a shit about them so she just kinda doesn't really care i guess i'm on a blank here guys, really blank. do i just ask "what music do you like" just completely randomly? she has a bf and i just wanna be her friend i really have no intention of getting my dick wet really do i try invite her to movie? what do? also: i left without her goodbye it makes me sad edit: fixed, shiiiiit
  13. nice job defining every single gamer ever
  14. why not just hamachi with age of empires 3 or some shit
  15. right uh to the guys i usually play with i may not be on for like three or four days, getting constant blue screens and might have to reinstall comp. yeah.
  16. old news, man. bf3's only on origin or other sites like ebay i think. as for anything special, you should play a bit first. you might not be as good as you think you are.
  17. you're a good troll mathijs1996
  18. lydia has a spinning penis on her help
  19. I think you mean 'envy', Yoshi.
  20. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16816816
  21. Goodluck with getting 500 kills for each weapon did you ever play operation metro 64 player conquest? no? knowing what you can achieve on operation metro with little to no effort, such a feat is not unbelievable.
  22. to do list: wake up lock load 1 service star for recon, working on it now. 5 service stars with every weapon, 1 with every pistol. operation metro here i come yo
  23. What the fuck. I only got my third tank star a couple days ago..
  24. How. HOW. HOW DO YOU FLY.
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