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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. Merry Christmas, you green meanies.
  2. Silver Dot


    Windows 7, good computer, defragged. Render distance is set to normal.
  3. Sorry for bumping, but I'm Snaw10 in Minecraft.
  4. Silver Dot


    When I join the server, I start falling through the sky. I hit the ground a couple minutes ago, and saw Err-Darkstar. Then I lag, I see a bit of the chat and I disconnect via a java error. This has happened twice. Tips?
  5. God damn it, perfect time for IRC to stop working for me.
  6. 5/10
  7. I tried browser mode and windowed mode, it wouldn't connect. Simply stating 'connect'. Then again, I see the server is offline.
  8. Rangers lead the way.
  9. I'm kinda new to Minecraft. What's the IP for the Mr.Green server?
  10. To be perfectly honest, it does the opposite. With the internet we learn things, like pr0nz and how to matol in cod4.
  11. You will forever be remembered as a legendary legend of legends. o7.
  12. Nice, nice, niceee! Good map.
  13. Very nice.
  14. Real shame I can't ever play it, but I'd like too.
  15. Silver Dot


    Yo. To those that don't know me, hi. To those that do, I'll be inactive, a bit on Mr.Green. IRL issues, not to mention my stomach cancer and the such. I'll be online on steam, willing to play KILLLIINGGG FLOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRR or some other shit like that. Laters, dawgs.
  16. Yes it has, hasn't it. Thank you so much. We all love you. also what to do with player files, also how to get 100%
  17. Ye you can see me in all the pics there, besides the third one of Ywa's. WAVE ONE OH THREE! Oh and I got a few pics of me as last human...twice. I'll post em later if I don't forget.
  18. I got all my hats so far, not trading a single one. You know you should save all your shit, it's not like your bag's full. In a month all your so called 'crap' will be worth like 2 hats each.
  19. Uh..you can't post it in photobucket or something? I don't wanna dl it. also I was in the event, yes yes. :>
  20. Wait, THIS IS TODAY? YEAHHHH! Oh wait why is it passworded wtf?
  21. There is no fun without levels, you fool.
  22. Your skills pretty much suck as a spy. You're using the Ambassador yet not scoring any headshots, you're going for the body. Also, you have some eh..stupid skins. Sorry but somebody had to say it.
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