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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. Has the most views. If you didn't notice, videos like "Friday" by Rebecca Black and "Baby" by Justin Beaver, has millions of views, yet most of them are disliked; thus leading to their success worldwide in the amazing travel of bad music and fans that consist of pre-pubescent boys and raving, ugly girls that think only of jeans and makeup.
  2. Well.. Back then was a simpler time. A time where my childhood blossomed and acne did not trouble me. I didn't pee out of my ass every time I did a situp, I was merrily playing GTA:SA, blatting white police officers. I enjoyed my time on Halo CE, jumping into a huge bomber plane and constantly nuking some huge winter map. I was smiling happily as I raged over trying to complete the RC helicopter missions in Vice City. I was singing and prancing freely, playing Wolfenstien ET. those were the daaysss..
  3. 9/10 &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405">
  4. That sums up about Half the ZS maps. Can't tell you how true this is. ZS maps don't have to be detailed. It's hard to notice when you're running away from zombies etc. It's like saying male pornstars have to be pretty-boys.
  5. "He's dead. It's finally over.." **Walks away into the sunset, his cape falling to the ground.**
  6. Basically this for me. And That 70's show.
  7. Don't be so modest, it SHOULD be you. And I concur with this statement.
  8. Commandos are fine. They're not highly-trained, in the gamemode I suppose they're just soldiers. They're slow because they're carrying a lot of armor, as you can see in their model. It's supposed to be 'just a shooter'. That's the point of it spawning with a pistol people usually get at 5 score. And please. No tank. A normal zombie has to hit a human at least 5 times before they can kill them. And that's if they're not being healed. Making the Commando or any other class a 'tank' class will result in zombies raging more then they ever raged before. It won't make it interesting, it'll make it boring and cheap.
  9. Silver Dot


    Found a great MMORPG today, my big brother started playing it and I was like 'meh'. It's cool, try it out: http://www.gamersfirst.com/9dragons/
  10. Try that, but I think it'd be better if you played windowed and used a normal browser. Steam browser is unreliable.
  11. So you actually decided to apply? I thought you were more into Minecraft. Here is my honest opinion about this man: He is a loyal, goodhearted and skilled player that knows the difference between right and wrong. The amount of hours he played on Zombie Survival would make him an expert in the gamemode, no matter what changes and what stays the same. And on the IRC note; I think he can easily adjust it. Pufulet, IRC's for reporting players and such, monitoring logs on ZS. You have to be able to know what people were up to. If he isn't fit for admin then I am flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz, so I say good luck to you, sir!
  12. You can't let personal anger get in the way of your judgement. Did you try reasoning with him? Maybe get some witnesses to come here and say something? They'll be under the witness protection program, of course.
  13. I don't like 3d skyboxes altogether, but I vote desert with hills.
  14. Silver Dot

    Dutch TV

    You should see Brazilian TV. Although it's not as disgusting. Babes with hot asses in bikinis booty dancing at kid shows, and the teen shows include a babe taking her bra off to create the legendary hand bra.
  15. That's why you get wired mice.
  16. Razer is better then the shit I currently have.
  17. Cyrius, do you even know what you're talking about? And stop bragging.
  18. What server are you applying for? I also doubt you're 22, but hey that's just me. Good luck anyway.
  19. You sure you need 5 levels in a hotel? Seems to much.
  20. Nice work in progress. I guess I can't really criticize since I haven't ever released a map. Just started and gave up. keep it up yo
  21. I am offering a Vintage Killer's Kabuto for something worthwhile. Must be vintage. As well as #1 and #3 crates.
  22. Silver Dot


    You are one lucky son. Get a Razer mouse and a razer keyboard and then I'll just orgasm.
  23. Silver Dot


    Looks like Gunz.
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