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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. First post updated. Those with undecided classes will have their classes decided for them when the list is full. Come on, we need more snipah peeps! yay my first event
  2. Silver Dot

    ban request

    Gasp, haven't heard that name in L4G for a while.
  3. First post updated, those that didn't state their classes when they stated their teams please state your classes, or else we will have a huge bad shits. VforV and Donlan please state your team and exact class, or else I will have to choose for you. After the list will be filled (Max is 10vs10) then we will start the debate for the date and time.
  4. Silver Dot

    ban request

    If its a demo its DoD:S I think.
  5. Aight, first post will be updated daily, we will need admins to set up a server just for the match, or lock the first server, and a nice time for everyone, possibly Saturday or Friday night. Please, everyone that wants to join in, please state your wanted team and class, each class will have a max of 3 slots. Sniper and MG and Rocket will have 2. Reserves: People that are backups, if someone won't be able to join, the reserve will take over for him. Reserves also state your team and class and if your a reserve, example: Reserve, Axis, MG. don't tl;dr me bitches
  6. Just need an authorization from Topcrew or like 5 admins
  7. yay!
  8. ¿Cuál es tu IP? Sé que no es la piratería y tal, sólo tiene su IP para eliminar la prohibición que puede Danni.
  9. Naw.
  10. Indeed, good sar.
  11. Feex your Also I am the first Green on L4G

    you WERE* you traitor.

  12. Por favor enviar el formato, PIP3. 1. Su nombre Dentro del juego: 2. Fecha de su Prohibición: 3. Que prohibió A Usted (sólo si sabe usted quién): 4. Razón por la que se prohibió (sólo si usted sabe por qué): 5. Razón por la qué debería Eliminar la Prohibición que: y llenarlas.
  13. I think that's spanish. Hehe. Translation: Well if there is an administrative speak Spanish! PLZ! I wanted to say that there is a map bug that I fall into the sea and falling vat when the console tells me Banned Pip3_ Help please unban plz plz plz reply Thx then please. Even better translation: If there is an administrator that speaks Spanish please get him to help me. I got bugged in the map, and I wanted to report the bug that is in the sea and while falling the console says Banned Pip3. To Pip3: Por favor, publique aquí: http://forums.left4g.../5-bans-unbans/ Voy a traducir el recurso de casación, por favor, copia este. 1. Su nombre dentro del juego: 2. Fecha de su prohibición: 3. Que prohibió a usted (sólo si usted sabe quién): 4. Razón por la que se prohibió (sólo si usted sabe por qué): 5. Razón por la que debería eliminar la prohibición que: Buena suerte, voy a ser su traductor Spanish class is not useless, kids.
  14. yes you may change. The server do need some admins, and I'm sure you're fit for the job Thanks . I request everyone change edit their posts about da fretta server as well . Or it will be weird :0
  15. Difficulty: Hard. Amount of Hats (Optional): 16. Score: 7000. you just lose the game. shut up weegee.
  16. Bump and change of plans- Can I change the game that I want admin on? If so, then the DoD:S server. I see a lot of exploiters there, and there are way to many admins for Gmod.
  17. Server: Not Yet Decided. List of people playing: Allies: Silver Dot, Sniper. Rogue, Assualt. Njittie, Support. Violence, Assualt. Clavus, Random. Error401, Random. Sneed, Rifleman. Axis: Donlan, Support. Botervloot, Rifleman. Scream, Rifleman. Nobana, Support/MG. Danni, CarPileUp, Support. Reserves: Lastion, Firehawk, VforV. Official Time: Friday 12th March 2010, 6:00 PM GMT. Time Converter: http://www.timezoneconverter.com/
  18. grats wee
  19. Otherwise its unbalanced.
  20. Respect them or no more videos like that.
  21. what the fuck
  22. Refresh source sdk content. Reinstall source sdk. Restart steam 5 times. Send steam a support ticket. Above are possibilities to fix this. Gimme VMF.
  23. Think about WW2 shit. For example: new skins, new guns, unlock whole new classes with new guns. Make it like IW, just WW2 style.
  24. The Nihilath isn't all powerful, one shot to that..head flapping thing and hes dead. Lol at the stucking.
  25. I got stuck at the fan part. That's some badass CS shizzle bunny hopping.
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