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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. 1. Name of the person who should be banned: Jim Aruba, SteamID: # 4634 "Jim Aruba" STEAM_0:0:14527309 32:39 119 0 active 2. Reason why he/she should be banned: Abusing and killing with gravity on Crash n Smash on the Gmod Fretta server. 3. Proof: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tll41w
  2. Silver Dot

    Pick one

    All of them, I can't pick favorites.
  3. kewl
  4. Do you know how hard it is to make that shit? Without making everyone crash or die when they step on it?
  5. Nah, I'm switching to Win7 soon, gotta stop pissing off my dad to do so first.
  6. Post this in the Ban/unban requests. I had that problem in CoD5, I would look at the ground and get like 600 FPS and start running and reloading like some speed hacker.
  7. Thanks for the positive comments. IRC refuses to work for me for some weird reason.. Yes, but I am applying mainly for Fretta, doesn't mean I won't be on the other ones.
  8. Silver Dot

    Dots App

    Gameserver: Day Of Defeat Mr.Green. Age: 16. Country of origin: Israel. Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SilverDot Link to Xfire profile **: http://www.xfire.com...file/silverdot/ Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I play on the DoD:S server a lot, I'm pretty good at a lot of class's there, I don't really see a lot of admins there seeing as how its a new server. I want to make the DoD:S server another main part of the Mr.Green community, seeing as how Garry's Mod and TF2 and MTA are 3 big parts, maybe we should add Day Of Defeat. Cheers, Dawt Silver Dot.
  9. Nice bump.
  10. I'm waiting for the new Add-on to L4D2, THEN I'LL SEE MY 60$ DIDN'T GO TO WASTE.
  11. effing classic Btw, nice one, Sneed.
  12. That was the best experience of my life.
  13. Yes yes yes yes If its priced then.. rage rage rage rage
  14. Soldier. Sorry, Axon..thats the way it is >
  15. This is a really nifty feature. Thanks.
  16. Silver Dot

    Congrats Axon

    TODAY IZ GOOD DAY!!! Well, yesterday Grats.
  17. Same, I found him just a couple days ago. Ellis screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  18. live under the sea gamemode.
  19. EmRA is posing god, really nice there except why the hell are there wheelchairs in the third pic..?
  20. no. Seriously though, I agree with the comic shit like Green Earth.
  21. Why does God hate us all? He takes the life of loved celeb's, of our pets and porn stars. But as a matter of fact, MY pet rock lived 3 and a half years 0.0
  22. Posing contest. And winner has to face EMrA. and after THAT he actually wins.
  23. Silver Dot

    Hi & Bye

    I don't know you but I heard about you a lot, you sound pretty awesome. So bai and have a noice life.
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