Just a little map I made in my spare time. Map Name: hl2_sparetime.bsp Objective: Get to the weird end where NOTHING happens between Alyx and Barney. Time Spent: 11 hours (Not in a row, maybe like 2 hours per day + breaks). How to load it up: Place it in this directory: Steam\steamapps\~username~\half-life 2\hl2\maps (for Vista Users I think its /Steam/steamapps/~username~/half-life 2/hl2/maps) (Don't forget that ~username~ is YOUR USERNAME) Enter Half Life 2, open up Console and type Map hl2_sparetime.bsp (To get the console, go to the Main Menu, click Options, click the Keyboard tab, click the Advanced tab on the bottom and tick Enable Developer Console) CONTAINS SECRET AREA LEGAL NOTICE: SOUNDS ARE FROM LEFT 4 DEAD 2 AND HALF LIFE 2 MADE BY VALVE. Please rate and comment about the map below. If you find any bugs, you can post em here or PM me.