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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. He doesn't...but someone else does..MWUHAHHAAHA >
  2. Indeed you are. I am too. WE WILL LEARN! YOUNG PADAWAN, WE WILL LEARN.
  3. Awesome, can I haz the mp3? You can be frank, Draco, I won't bite Its the shittiest map ever, but a lot of first maps are so.
  4. Now how do you set it back?
  5. The fish (Icky) is mainly for laughs, I knew it didn't work. No animations I plan on making a part 2 with MOAR time spent and MOAR areas and MOAR secrets and MOAR babies. Once I figure out why the camera hates me
  6. Screenshots:
  7. SARRRGEEE WHAAAAT NOW? CAN I GO TO SUMMER TOWNNN? SHOOOOOOOOOORE (Thats what the vorts said in HL2EP2 when the Vort picked up the dead alyx wow I talk alot )
  8. Silver Dot


    awesome lol
  9. I'll post screenies tommorow, and I plan on making a part 2 once I learn about cameras and why they don't work for me for some weird reason... And real maps take at least 1 month of development, unless its a short map with no complete idea or sketch like mine here.
  10. Just a little map I made in my spare time. Map Name: hl2_sparetime.bsp Objective: Get to the weird end where NOTHING happens between Alyx and Barney. Time Spent: 11 hours (Not in a row, maybe like 2 hours per day + breaks). How to load it up: Place it in this directory: Steam\steamapps\~username~\half-life 2\hl2\maps (for Vista Users I think its /Steam/steamapps/~username~/half-life 2/hl2/maps) (Don't forget that ~username~ is YOUR USERNAME) Enter Half Life 2, open up Console and type Map hl2_sparetime.bsp (To get the console, go to the Main Menu, click Options, click the Keyboard tab, click the Advanced tab on the bottom and tick Enable Developer Console) CONTAINS SECRET AREA LEGAL NOTICE: SOUNDS ARE FROM LEFT 4 DEAD 2 AND HALF LIFE 2 MADE BY VALVE. Please rate and comment about the map below. If you find any bugs, you can post em here or PM me.
  11. I fucking love you.
  12. grats
  13. Silver Dot

    Admin app

    Gl, mate.
  14. I haz no camera.
  15. Should have put a Team Fortress Green logo at the bottom like in the Meet The vids.
  16. 18 is good actually, not so crowded and shizzle. I hate those times in CoD4, 60 players in the server, snipers campin' everywhere.
  17. Good luck playing with 5 players in each server.. Due to the petition, 1/3 of the whole multiplayer gaming community that was gunna play arne't going to play. I signed it but now I don't really care..so I can't mod, Why should I care? I just didn't buy it because I'm waiting till the price downs a bit.
  18. This made me rage. I'm using Mozilla Firefox (the new one) and when I right click, the little menu doesn't pop up. How can I fix this?
  19. He hax, he used the face poser.
  20. yey
  21. I'm mean and angry Seriously tho, thats some chonky business right there! (Means good ) Seriously, I mean SERIOUSLY, who would ask Axon that question.
  22. 15 people voted GO F**K YOURSELF 0.0 How do I do that? Seriously?
  23. Awessommmeee :0
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