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Mr. Green Gaming

Silver Dot

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Everything posted by Silver Dot

  1. The glitch usually puts all the weapons in the First slot. You can scroll down it or you can press 1 (default 1rst slot selecting button). You gotta COLLECT EM ALL (Pokomon lol ) select em all* before they get put in their space.
  2. [offtopic]Have I ever been banned? I think not [/offtopic] Anyways I've seen Shadows sometimes.. they are so uncreative to think of a real name I have seen a shadows with an @ (Sh@dows) who is a whiny glitching nub, I seen him abuse the stuck command in chat saying !stuck for norway or something like that, I have also seen his whineyness, and I know another shadows with just lowercase letters, I don't really know about him.. Either way, what admin's say, happens.
  3. Car I want->
  4. It's about damn time, Damien Horrible time to post an App tho, L4G gets like 2 applications a week for Garry's Mod only (why not TF2 :0) so it will take a while to get an answer. But I know you, I'm sure everyone else does, you would make a great admin and good luck .
  5. Mine is : Nah JK, my real one is
  6. Silver Dot

    My disease

    I have suicidal depression due to alot of reasons and my dad beats me.
  7. Once upon a time in the middle of nowhere, a giant bulb brutally attacked EmRAlaska, however they fought a fierce battle. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass. Then the Godzilla started giving her parts of the batmobil but the stupid spiderman didnt want that to go to Candy Mountain with the batboat because she wanted
  8. Black mesa is a place where they make cookies. Yea but I ment this mod(?). Is it like Gmod or what? Explain, please. This is a remake of the original Half Life using the current version of the Source engine. Quote Pyramid! lol jk Haven't you ever played Half Life? I never finished it but at least I know what Black Mesa is
  9. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass. Then the Godzilla started giving her
  10. Black mesa is a place where they make cookies.
  11. Awesome Awesome Awesome Awesome, can't waiittt
  12. Request: Can you add more songs to the IW radio? Such as more HL2 Songs, Remixes, etc etc
  13. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on
  14. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her
  15. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to
  16. Cya and have funz
  17. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny
  18. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted
  19. Once upon a time in the middle of nowhere, a giant bulb brutally attacked EmRAlaska, however they fought a fierce battle. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the
  20. Another one (more time spent): aight we will stop spamming useless crap , its time for the ultimate decision to be made in about 40 days.
  21. Once upon a time in the middle of nowhere, a giant bulb brutally attacked EmRAlaska, however they fought a fierce battle. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse
  22. Ima make a Hundy for president in Paint, holdon.. My personal best
  23. Once upon a time in the middle of nowhere, a giant bulb brutally attacked EmRAlaska, however they fought a fierce battle. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store
  24. Wait, so we get an in-game halo if we didn't join that boycott shit? THEY KNOW WHO JOINED AND ALL THAT? THEY HAVE ACCESS TO ALL INFORMATION, THE GOVERNMENT, MANNN, THE GOVERNMENT I pre-ordered, I already get a new baseball bat. I also get a coool gayloment as well? If so, deleting straight away. LEAVE BUNGIE ALONE, GOD DAMN IT, LEAVE EM ALONEEE
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