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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Actually, dungeons come in many different colours. Just demolish the place and you can build the wonderful pink house of your dreams.
  2. Every gate leads to the paragon's gate. So no proper planar hopping yet.
  3. Personally I'm waiting for the Pvp to come out. CTF with craploads of dynamite would be bloody hilarious. Literally.
  4. See what Squirrel said below. T'was a joke. But still.
  5. Is it just me or am I angering every single person with some kind of admin status here?
  6. It's all part of the faction wars. Mungol usually demands disbandment of the opposing faction before they stop. If you can't hold your ground, it's pretty much the only thing you can do. Its funny when you can't even type to disband or transfer leadership though, that sounds a bit stupid. Fix'd.
  7. Plus magma is awesome. ...It is!
  8. Or other poultry animals. BA-DUM-TSH
  9. Yes. I mean a data corruption is definately our fault. Totally agree. Durr lets loot everyone. While I agree we were kind of dicks, however nothing in the rules says we can't do that. Looks like the rules...just got screwed. YEEEAAAAAAAH! Just give the stolen stuff back Let's see what Clavus says. He's the overgodcthulthuoverseeroverlordoverninethousandmasterkindoftype.
  10. Yes. I mean a data corruption is definately our fault. Totally agree. Durr lets loot everyone. My, what a splendid idea! ...Wait.
  11. Let's just say that three things have happened on the server: 1. Everybody has been kicked out of their factions. 2. Old factions have 0 power. 3. Mungolians are the first to log in. ...Just, just saying.
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