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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Just a few minutes ago my attempt to blow up a faction's base due to horrible spot just on the edge of the chunk was ruined by one-man faction occupying the next chunk for no apparent reason, nor had I ever seen this faction nor its solitary member ever online. I agree with Grasshopper, and I also suggest that factions that are never online should be removed also. The construction of our UFO has been delayed long enough by antimungol's pesky chunk claim, and we haven't seen those guys for a month.
  2. Failing in an argument --> "LOL I WAS TROLLIN U MAD BRO" --> Success.
  3. I wish to inform that Mungol are now gathering royalties from the use of mountains. We hold the copyright for them, you plagiating pooplords.
  4. Well it got all messed up I can't hand out any GC for simple victories during that clusterfuck. Instead, for 5000GC, try to guess what word I'm thinking of. Starts with an A. Has 12 letters. Have fun Aforethought? Or accordionist. Also Necro, he had godmode on long before the doctor octogonapus-thing.
  5. I just realized that I got +100 kills with my minigun just from teamkilling.
  6. Yeah, teamkilling was hilarious, especially in medieval. We have to make an own event for that.
  7. Hm, actually it wasn't that bad, as we got paid for the job, eh?
  8. Admins vs Players Clavus' & Darkstar's E-penis club. Now with 30% more fail. This is why we can't have nice things.
  9. Zombitch, Tf isn't the easiest game to master, and most attendants have +500 hours of gameplay. Maybe you should practice before joining this kind of events?
  10. My feelings towards this thread would be easily said in one word, which sadly doesn't exist in english. So could we just lock this crap, bury it in an unmarked grave, dance on it, then leave it to rot?
  11. Lookin' good. The only thing that annoys me is the fact that the texture of the walls doesn't really seem realistic with the sharp edges. Maybe use a brick or similar texture instead?
  12. i did... like 3-4 weeks ago. after few days from turning 18 i started watching mlp:fim. so whats your response to that? That mentally you grow up years after you do legally?
  13. Can we lock this topic already? It's just recycling the same crap the other thread had.
  14. Iron sword only does four-and-half damage per swing, so something is indeed fishy here.
  15. Odd, it works fine for me. It's supposed to be ye olde gentlemanne whacking a horse, a picture I happened to find funny and fitting at the moment.
  16. What? A good (even an internet one) argument is good brain exercise. It's especially fun if you happen to drink beer for the whole conversation.
  17. Overreaction is the most fun reaction, isn't it? We wouldn't have this conversation without it.
  18. See there? Infailable logic. "We don't hate you for hating the show, but we hate you for hating the show." Also, I've never ordered anyone to change forum. I'm saying that we don't need constant statuses and shoutbox things like "Brohoof" or "ponies." They clutter up the place by being completely redundant. I am not insulting ponies, but the fan dumb. ...Unless you are an actual equesterian creature, but then I'll have to eat you. For the show, not simply my genre. A matter of taste, as I prefer my ponies as a food.
  19. But I can't! I only managed to watch it for several minutes before I got bored.
  20. Why. Do. You. Fucking. Say. Ponies. We're speaking of a children's show that is somewhy favoured by folks who think everybody has to like the show because otherwise they're haters. Then you commence to loudly announce about it on every possible media avaible, whether in context or not. Look, if you want to discuss it, I'm sure you have your own forums for that are more than suitable for yor needs. We came here to read about things regarding Left4green. Also, you don't need to promote it just because it's good. If we would like it, we would already be watching it. I've watched it, I didn't like it. I'd leave it alone, if it would leave me alone.
  21. Has any of you ever thought that we don't like the show because some inane asshats are constantly rubbing it to our faces, especially in a forum like this? I mean, we could post nazi warcrime compilations with laugh tracks here and they would be in more context.
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