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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Hey, 8th. September tinfoilhatters. https://twitter.com/#!/jeb_/status/111115064270004224
  2. Not so fast! We already stole the crops! The flood was worth it.
  3. Not so fast! We already stole the crops!
  4. *Pockets full of pistoner's grain* I have no idea of who opened them, but redstone torches open double doors.
  5. I hope you're not implying the new world will be any better. Well, maybe for a single week... I trust in alchohol-induced optimism.
  6. It can actually be ^^ a friend of mine cant even run it on medium render distance .. he seems to have a calculator as a pc Does he live in a cardboard box? Nono his parents just dont allow him to buy a new pc or smth ... is this offtopic ? im not sure is this even a proper unban topic ? like hell i know Lag =/= Low FPS. Also, UNLEASH THE QUOTE BOX.
  7. No one will come to miss this ridiculous clusterfuck of a world.
  8. These guys should come in 1.8 (= There's finally something we can both agree to.
  9. Giant mushrooms. I'm going to be seriously stoned in 1.8. Also, building mushroom farm inside a mushroom for the sake of yo dawg-jokes.
  10. No, it's a relationship-simulator mod where you have to collect friendship mushrooms to become the greatest player. There's also an obscure way to PvP, but it's disabled because people were constantly whining about it. If you don't like Minecraft then why do you play it, there are allot more pvp games out there Please look up what sarcasm means. You'll most likely find your life a lot easier.
  11. No, it's a relationship-simulator mod where you have to collect friendship mushrooms to become the greatest player. There's also an obscure way to PvP, but it's disabled because people were constantly whining about it.
  12. Time to turn the mob grinders into actual mob grinders.
  13. Those with hax. Actually, hackers tend to be horrible players, and can usually be countered with bows.
  14. Which summer? I'm just buying ACR for sure, other than that I don't really see anything that I really feel like I must have. Hey, there's still two days left of this summer.
  15. Skyrim is possibly the only thing that has made me wait for the end of summer.
  16. When I read the first line I tought it was about Sweet bro and Hella Jeff. But after a while I realized its about a game..
  17. Threads like this make me wish that I'd know how to model. Also, you're right. The middle picture looks really realistic.
  18. Baron Baconeer


    Crash bash? Now we need a minigame where you throw TNT at other people. Also, LMG is obviously shortened from Ludicrous Mega Games.
  19. Just some constructive criticism. Zombitch, your place is a clusterfuck. At least now.
  20. I have to figure a completely new word for this thing. I will call it Awesomusing. I will now go to... Buy it.
  21. No, that results to double mountain all across the Realism. The above statement, that is.
  22. Baron Baconeer


    Only got 130 and something myself. Surprisingly addicting for a game where somebody throws barrels at y... Oh, right. Eager to see more.
  23. Or don't build doors. Use pistons instead.
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