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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. Fixed it for you.
  2. But in my honest opinion, Lucifer is... Bit overdoing.
  3. Same. Wow, Is Clavus an alt of blueyoshi to ? Yes, hahahaha! I think I did a pretty good job on Clavus, it took you so long to find out it was me! I thought that was all common knowledge?
  4. Translation Still doesn't make sense really It looks like thread locking time Ok fail no need to translate imbecile Basically YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT NOT TO BE OFFENDED. i thought it was clear the first time apparent-fucking-ly not. if you'd like a translation for those who are incompetent buffoons: there are no laws or rights that prohibit you from being offended. The End. Unless of course it is slander, there are laws that prohibit that, but in no way is saying fuck, shit, ass, bitch, or any other expletive banned, with minor exceptions of course, such as workplace harassment and what not. If this was not clear enough for those of you who lack the mental capabilities of grasping anything other than spelling the first letter of you name, please see 'You don't have the right not to be offended for dummies' Regards Well not really -Csem I'm not really a douche i was just expressing my right to offend people. So you're saying that people have to be offended by everything? Sorry, but I fail to be offended due to the whole hilarity of the subject.
  5. Game of Thrones: Minecraft edition, anyone?
  6. That's like saying: "Boy, this diamond-encrusted golden scepter sure looks better than that steaming pile of dog poo." You can't even measure them on the same scale.
  7. I do believe we're talking about the more classic comics here. So webcomics would be derailing Hm. Depends on how literally you take the wording of comic book.
  8. How many greens does it take to derail a thread? Anyhow, now that we're on the subject of the clearly inferior way to view comics, anyone know any good webcomics?
  9. Isn't it supposed to be chieftain?
  10. Found this lying in dusty corner of my youtube: Some parts are in finnish, but it's a silly language to begin with so it shouldn't matter.
  11. That's a very nice double negative you have there. It would be a shame if your message wouldn't get properly across.
  12. Reading Donald Duck from something other than paper; a disgrace. Reading classic Don Rosa stories from something other than paper; even worse. Some of us didn't have parents who bought us every Don Rosa comic that was published... I know, neither did I. I got less than a half of those on paper I think. How does that affect on what I said? The fact that I can't just pull paperbacks out of my ass, especially as most of those comics are out of print. (Also, like Clavus said, it sounds way too hipstery)
  13. Reading Donald Duck from something other than paper; a disgrace. Reading classic Don Rosa stories from something other than paper; even worse. Some of us didn't have parents who bought us every Don Rosa comic that was published...
  14. Speaking of Donald, here's a nice website I found a while ago: http://disneycomics.free.fr/index_rosa_date.php
  15. Do we really need censorship? Swearing is immature, granted, but does blocking it out really accomplish anything? Besides, making wordfilters is just pain in the ass.
  16. OrpheusFTW is a god among YTP:ers.
  17. It's raining wet french fries. Again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      eurgh, they're not even salted...

    3. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      If that was supposed to be a turn of phrase, it doesn't exist in England ! :'D

    4. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Bored of the rings reference, actually.

  18. Huh. I've seen train crashes that haven't been this derailed.
  19. Okay, what was this topic about again?
  20. Did anybody say we would be mature?
  21. I've read that novel of a text several times now, and I can only say one thing. You, sir, are bloody dumb. The quality of your text would refer to you being either dyslexic or drunk, as there seems to be no red thread whatsoever. The base seems to be something about x-ray or hacks or whatnot, which are all quite well governed (Have you seen the unban section? We have closer to thousand people banned for x-ray on the passing of few months.) and its causalization to apparent youthfulness of the admins. Instead of writing a block of text that would make Tolkien jealous, maybe you should actually include something to say in your text instead of rambling about absolutely, positively nothing.
  22. Public sarcasm officer I'd say. I think you've just stolen the job right under my nose.
  23. Now that you mention it, my firefox was whining about "incompability issues" with java. Haven't had any problems myself, but maybe the two are related?
  24. I would love to contribute, but I sadly have no skills whatsoever.
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