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Mr. Green Gaming

Baron Baconeer

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Everything posted by Baron Baconeer

  1. When the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never because the dance with the devil might last you forever. Sane choice in this insane world: Beware the beast, but enjoy the feast he offers.
  2. Has, is and will still be Aavemursu. And good luck finding any more approval from anyone else. At least I've tried being patient. Never knew you were a Mungol, Don't blame me for being arrogant, after asking a question I get trolled right away. No reason for me to keep argueing then. I'm not trolling. Those are entry requirements. We have members that are not greens, and we simply respect people with to understand what's going on. If the required knowledge is about Minecraft, then you shouldn't start saying I'm somebody without "at least two brain cells to rub together when we actually have to think" I rest my case It isn't. None of us have any idea how the stuff from the newer updates work (It took two minutes to explain Hundy how brewing works.) What I am saying that one should have enough with to distinguish a joke from an insult.
  3. Has, is and will still be Aavemursu. And good luck finding any more approval from anyone else. At least I've tried being patient. Never knew you were a Mungol, Don't blame me for being arrogant, after asking a question I get trolled right away. No reason for me to keep argueing then. I'm not trolling. Those are entry requirements. We have members that are not greens, and we simply respect people with wit to understand what's going on.
  4. Has, is and will still be Aavemursu. And good luck finding any more approval from anyone else. At least I've tried being patient.
  5. It's for long-term trusted (hah!) members who have at least two brain cells to rub together when we actually have to think. Trust me, that doesn't happen often. Don't seem like you have mod in it so I repeat my question till I get a proper answord The answer is no, as in you can see in my above answer, which states also all the requirements for joining. Also, I am in fact a mod of it.
  6. It's for long-term trusted (hah!) members who have at least two brain cells to rub together when we actually have to think. Trust me, that doesn't happen often.
  7. I was just walking through the landscape with some guys yesterday, the whole place looked awful, like there was some kind of nuclear fallout over 90% of the map D: Are you sure you weren't using the space textures of yours?
  8. I have about dozen notebooks filled with random doodling. I'll upload them when I can be assed to find where my scanner is.
  9. Notice me in steam while you get on, and I'll (finally) join in-game.
  10. He already noted them. Black bird and realism. That equals to associating with some of the most infamous players like Worstboy32 and Zombitch.
  11. Hullo and welcome. You've found the correct board, but there's a separate () thread for introducing yourself.
  12. I'm joining the fun when I happen to be on the mood for some minecrafting.
  13. I'm just saying that, nowadays, atleast 40-50% of topics are minecraft related because people just want to show their "POWERFUL" items off. which is getting old... It's true, there used to be a huge MC topic spam about random ban reports about random hackers ,and luckily someone had the bright idea to put them all in an unique topic... But then I wonder why they don't make an unique topic for people who want to boast about their equips and discuss about random minor things aswell... All this MC topic spam (and don't bring out map topics...they aren't more common than MC's) just makes me think that this whole community is "MC-centred". There's ten map threads recent topics and seven minecraft ones. Also, if it is really all about the fact that there are several threads, you could at least point them to the direction of the faction wars thread instead of starting inane arguments with more dramatic ellipsis than an average SBAHJ comic. This has just kept the topic in recent arguments far longer than it should have.
  14. Now you're mixing, yet again, ban topics and these together. This is no different from the ZS pictures thread or your drawings-thread. I mean, does the whole community need to know what you doodled during your last lesson? This is a thread about penultimate subject of the faction wars: Success in raiding. Just because you've hopped into the bandwagon thinking that all minecraft related and every minecraft player is worse than satan crawling out of hell carrying Justin Bieber albums does make your accusations of childishness quite hypocritical. BUT, Baron... Atleast I make a post once every 5 days or so, and each time I bring up more than one object... also when it's possible I edit my post to add stuff so it doesnt constantly appear in the "Recent Posts" section. Really... the fact that some people show their MC items off is getting quite old, most likely boring. I just can't understand why they brag so much for getting such lousy things... And I repeat: I DONT hate minecraft. Nor anything else related to it (Well, there's an exception though: The ban topics where they all rage about xray, combatlogging and whatnot.) I'm just saying that it's starting to be annoying when MC topics spam occur. About the GIFs posting: Well, it's true... but atleast they add a funny touch to boring topics where people boast about their powerful sticks, equips and such. So now you're saying that active posting is a bad thing? What, are you saying that people shouldn't clog the forums with discussion? As Clavus said: If YOU don't care, don't read them! I don't know whether it causes your eyes to bleed or something when the word minecraft pops up in the recent threads, but to me it's just stupid. Besides, the whole MC topic spam is a huge overstatement. For example, map topics are much more common.
  15. Hm. Do you have legal version? I think fiddling with data files was added in a patch several days after release. Might be wrong though. Also, this could help: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/content/modmanager/
  16. Can I give you a handshake, this Minecraft hate is indeed becoming VERY annoying. All this hating makes left4green a shitty place and makes BlueYoshi sad. yes I may have maddy shitty posts in topic like these but people change man. MTA map topics shouldn't show up in recent topics though. Look, personally I DONT hate minecraft... But man, you gotta admit that those topics where people show off their little toys they managed to loot/craft/enchant are just... stupid. I mean, really... Does the whole Mr Green community need to know that you achieved such things? that you stole a warehouse filled up with random items... or worked hard to craft powerful sticks to stab people? Not to mention the random battles where players accuse eachother of every sort of things, from xray to combat logging and shit... Yes, it's entertaining and every time I realize that such things happen I start eating popcorn... but,really... its childish. Now you're mixing, yet again, ban topics and these together. This is no different from the ZS pictures thread or your drawings-thread. I mean, does the whole community need to know what you doodled during your last lesson? This is a thread about penultimate subject of the faction wars: Success in raiding. Just because you've hopped into the bandwagon thinking that all minecraft related and every minecraft player is worse than satan crawling out of hell carrying Justin Bieber albums does make your accusations of childishness quite hypocritical.
  17. Oh yeah, forgot to mention. A major part of this stuff is also credited to Hundy, with whom we spent about three days unraveling the secrets of the Skyrim.
  18. Greetings, my little Dovahkids. Today Unca Baron (AND HUNDRED2 THE GREAT RESEARCHER WHO WAS LEFT OUT BECAUSE OF GENERAL SHATTERBRAINEDNESS)is going to teach you how to make real followers in the mystical land of Skyrim. There are three things you are going to need: 1. Steam 2. Skyrim 3. A brain First, let's open steam library, and below that, the button usually saying all games. Switch it to tools and download the program simply called Creation kit and open it. The program itself is a clusterfuck. When it opens, click file on the upper left corned and choose data. The result should look like this: However, depending on the mods you have, you'll most likely have different things or none at all. Double click the Skyrim.esp until it becomes checked like in the picture and set it as an active file. Now begins a long load that may seem like that the program crashes. Just give it time. There'll also be a crapload of popups, just say yes to all of them. The screen opening should look about like this: Right click the part with the names and choose new. This is where our new brave actor's (The name the engine refers to NPC:s at) most basic stuff will be chosen. It's quite simple when you get the basics: ID: The name of the file. Name: In-game name. Short name: Name that appears in, for example, subtitles. Of the numerous boxes below, you should check at least 'Unique' so that he will be the only example of his kind. Essential is also good if you tend to accidentally kill your followers. The race chooses what the actor actually is. For example, ImperialRace is your typical imperial. Checking the box saying female will turn the actor female (Duh.) The skin has different texture choices, but when making a humanoid follower you should leave those alone. The faraway model doesn't matter here, and voice chooses the voice acting. MaleNord is a good choice because it has all the necessary voice acting. Deathitem doesn't again matter because we don't want to kill him, and the other stuff is just artifact crap from previous Bethesda titles. There's also the preview box below, which will be useful soon, and you should check it. It all should look something like this: The next section, Stats, is even simpler. Just type in the wanted level, choose class (Using farmer here) and check the Auto calc stats which does all your work for you. The next is factions. Again, click the empty field, and by choosing new add two factions: Potentialfollowerfaction and Currentfollowerfaction. Then click the zero in front of Currentfollowerfaction and change it to -1. These two make it so that you don't have to fiddle with quests and dialogue, which are a serious pain in the ass. Moving on. Skipping over the next two, Relationship (We'll do that later) and keywords to the AI data. Here are three things you should fiddle with: Confidence, combat style and assistance. Confidence can be set up to a level you like, for example I'm going to make our farmer cowardly. The combat style decides the way the actor fights, for example csHumanMeleeLvl1 is very basic melee fighting. Onwards. Assistance should be "Helps allies and friends." We skip over AI Packages to Inventory. First, we'll choose the clothing the character has. I personally have no idea how to make custom ones, so we'll choose prebuilt. Default outfits are the outfits character wears usually, and Sleep outfit when sleeping, simply enough. Sleep outfit isn't necessary, especially as out hero here is never going to sleep. After choosing the outfit click the preview again to update the view. If everything is correct, the outfit should show up. Next, we're giving him a weapon. Click the inventory field and, yet again, choose new. Some item called lightbulb should show up. Then below choose the thing saying object and take a weapon you wish him to have. The same thing also works in adding other items in his inventory. The end result should look something like this: Next, we fiddle right into the end of the line. Character gen parts and character gen morphs decide the final look of the character. Just fiddle around until you get character you like. After we're done with this, choose ok at the left bottom corner. Then, back in the menu where the actors were, choose quest, and under that, relationship. Similarly to making the actor choose new. The id is yet again the name of the file. Now you should put the choices like this: Parent: The ID of the NPC you just made Child: Player Relationship Level: Ally This should be the result. Now, the follower itself is all done, but he doesn't exist in the world yet. Turn your view to the cell view window next to the object window. Choose the place where you wish him to be and double click it. A place should pop up in the render window. You can move about the render by scrolling and holding shift down When you find a good spot, just drag the actor from the object window. And now, save the whole thing with whatever name you want, start Skyrim, choose data files, check your mod and start playing. And... Here we go. Have fun and whatnot.
  19. It has been mentioned, when the next update is out, Plus when all the bugs that inevitably come are worked out. And the economy.
  20. I remember when one could actually post minecraft topics without people whining. They aren't invading your MTA and whatnot threads just to say how much they do not care. It's still a game endorsed by the community, and has a legit reason to have topics posted here. Please continue forward on the timestream and grow up.
  21. Who are these people. EDIT: Also, I swear we've destroyed seven factions with the name rogues (or rouges) already.
  22. Ding dong, the game of the game is dead!

    1. Salty


      Did I lose?...

  23. never heared of memes or 9gag? In stead of saying like you that he's a retard and clavus wont do it I use memes but nvm baron <I know better> Kewl.
  24. I don't know which is worse, the absurd request or the reply filled with the modern equivalent of 90's radical speak.
  25. You live in Israel? Finnish military service.
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