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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. What botervloot said. Otherwise, it looks okay.
  2. "Tätä videota ei ole vielä käsitelty." Mind to fix it ?
  3. Interesting idea, Nobby, but I stopped posing, so stop bumping these threads of mine.
  4. Xfire is a decent recorder.
  5. Whoa, I never knew that almost 200 servers have reserved/locked spots, I musta be in a wrong gaem!
  6. Decent, expect for servers. Even if you keep refresing them, they say for example; 31/32 - Server is full. Same problem as BFBC2 had.
  7. These don't spoil it actually THAT much. Might be irritatin', but ye' 'll get used on it.
  8. I'm not good with faceposing, so this guy has no facepose. I'm starting to slip. Lol;
  9. Enough of this bullshit! Let's bring out big guns! I used only Building gibs, expect for the minigun and engie.
  10. I don't have EP 2 >_>.
  11. I meaned that it's rather "choppy" With a look of 30- fps.
  12. In Guild wars? Also, I'm only 7 level. And the highest I have is 40 level Woodcutting >_>.
  13. ...And who are you talking to? Anyways, I can't remember my account, so I can't troll :C No wait, I remember it. Add Lolspaces .
  14. Holy shizzle, it's graphics have changed so much ! What. I c-mhm.
  15. They both are fancy, but I think I prefer the first one. The outro looks like "THIS DAY NEWS".
  16. A Mouse! Fuck me you must have a steady hand xD If I am gonna become a Surgeon, of course I need steady hands. And Toaster, that's very nice .
  17. I use no tablets, with tablets, mine stuff would be shitload amount better. But the program I use is Photofiltre and a mouse.
  18. Well, I got 10. So uh, nothing special.
  19. Well, true...Now for background.
  20. Ees not ready yet, background is still missing and I has to make his hands more "stable". Moar shading.
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