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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. Oh yeah, that one Ellis scout is missing a name "_".
  2. Thank you .
  3. The bad side about this was, I wasn't able to fit every mrGreen pal into this picture, also, I ran out of different ragdolls, so sorry for those who aren't in this picture, I'll be doing a picture of yers then.
  4. Anyways, I've been here such a time, and I've had lots of good time here, thank to very kind community, events and admins. It's been great time, keep it up! And yes, I got this from Lazy peon. As for, I made a little picture. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE PICTURE, DONT WORRY, YOU AREN'T DISLIKED, I JUST RAN OUT OF SPACE, IF YOU WANT TO BE STILL IN ZE PICTURE I CAN TRY TO DO IT. Sorry for rather harsh "names", but I hope you understand what there reads .
  5. This is just a test of the look, I had to re-install steam, so now I have clean table again.
  6. What.
  7. I am so weirdcolored and melted !
  8. Well, do it after you have posed.
  9. What. Turn AA up
  10. Oh shit incoming. SPAM OF WALLS!

  11. Pretty.
  12. Also, many thanks ;).

  13. Uh, I outrun 2/3 of your specs :/.


  14. Zat was fun, let's have a Twiddla moment again, shall we? Anyways, update on the hunter that Redgord nicely resized. Woah, it's too huge. Update. Emra came in and threw a weird looking guy next to so called francis.
  15. How kind, Redgord. It wasn't yet finished tho, but thanks anyways .
  16. Sorry man, it ended pretty long ago :/.
  17. Let's revive this thread, alright? Mine hunter, which I got finished after Redgord, Emra and Njittie left. Durr. Lord is blurry D:
  18. But I think it's better to have one spamtopic, which will decrease spam-posts in other topics (or spamshouts). "Spamshouts" are fine, and there aren't that much spam posts. Still, what's wrong with a topic? If this is a spam topic, then start by having fun, that is doing really big quotes! (Mayco, keep an eye on this. Could go nuclear!) Large quotes? Very large K.
  19. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -Catches breath- oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Okay, I'm fine. G'day sir.
  20. *Hint hint - Scroll one page back*
  21. You don't need any muscles to fly in space silly. I ment mentally.
  22. Oh yeah .
  23. Firehawk isn't an admin even. Stop whining, it isn't the end of the world .
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