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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. It's been DEAD for 2 months, Why won't you just...Lord.
  2. Milk makes you MANLY.
  3. I just dislike it how I am meleeing like the other player to death, and suddenly I get critted. Also, I dislike crits, only the first blood should be crit, nothing else :/.
  4. I guess. Also what the hell, stop bumping!
  5. You don't look like 15 years old :|

  6. Don't worry, Layer. It isn't for a week. You'll be able to play soon again .
  7. This. Until I murdered him.
  8. MiF, you...Ugh, no offence, but the way you think is pretty annoying. Espically, I have one friend that acts like you, and oh boy...
  9. Dude, no need to bump this.
  10. On arena, there was like 20 sentries, A heaven for me, I racked up soooooooooooo much pooooooooints with the SAAAAAAAAAPEERS
  11. Me spams you. Error doesn't like it, so...Hehe.

  12. You can do it if you want it so badly.
  13. Stop whining! Sorry man, I had to somehow get em all get into ze picture.
  14. Thanks man. Yeah, that sounds helluva cool.
  15. Dawd, Boter is that Ellis scout in the earlier picture D:< THIS GUY IS BOTER. BOTERVLOOT BUTTERDISH IS THIS!
  16. Okay, we had a little fight with Lazy, which is solved now. He asked if I could post these kind of stuff here, so I do so. Anyways, for those guise who were missing - And if some people are still missing, I'll do what I can do. Also, no wonder the earlier pic was so low quality. mat_picmip -10 was missing Heavy - Njittie Demoman - Sacrificial Scout - Mayco Medic - Juggernaut Pyro - Point Engineer - Lukkie Soldier - Lazy peon Snopiah - Grass Spy - QTesla
  17. Still, it did hurt. You just blantly went all like-Just nevermind it, it's over. No need to fight over such a thing. ...I should've given credit...But I made it! But n-e-ugh. No hard feelings?
  18. ...Just tell it straight Peon. No need to hide it anymore.
  19. Hey, those guise who were not in this pic, can I pose you as a BLU?
  20. Lies.
  21. It's because Lemonade makes you fresh.
  22. I said. I can't get the whole community fit there, with different ragdolls and all. I do what I can do, stop crying over it. Lukkie, don't cry, you are a good guy, but if you are not in the picture, it doesn't mean I hate you. Same for Qtesla :I It's cause you keep getting fried because you are a CHICKENNUGGET.
  23. Nooo, Redgord is trying to get his hand out from his ear that is struck by helmet .
  24. You are from roman. SPARTAAAA!
  25. Fucking, I forgot Boter. That boter is that Ellis scout. It looks so low-quality...Why does EmRA have such a good lighting?
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