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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. ^ ...My face every time I see a new pose by you, Emra. I can hardly do anything anymore. Finally, computer fixed.
  2. All done by tablet, earlier I didn't have a graphics tablet, very reason why I wasn't able to draw well.
  3. Drugs.
  4. -
  5. Yay, lots of patches and stuff, yet I can't play.
  6. A year. Just kidding. Uhh, this took me rough 40 minutes?
  7. RED team has moved into this magnifient yet spooky and broken house of Mann. Now, Heavy is thinking, how to fix this place? "No worries bro, It's just a itty bitty problem!" Sup guys.
  8. Uh. Okays. 1+postcountimnothereyouarejustseeingstuffk?
  9. Couldn't even try it out since it gives the same respond as my BC2, sadly.
  10. Sadly, it wouldn't be any fun then if screen would just explode, instead of giving him a fight with other 30 players,
  11. -saxton broke this thread-
  12. Lemon!

    I'm leaving.

    Else it wouldn't be dramatic would it. That's the right answer.
  13. Lemon!

    I'm leaving.

    Lots of tears right there. By creating this thread, I didn't want to make everyone go all like boohohohoo, I wanted to tell what's my status, and tell you to have a good time, enjoy your time in here . Also, I can tell that Hundred has something againts me/doesn't like me.
  14. Lemon!

    I'm leaving.

    Yeah, I'm leaving. I'm not sure, but I won't be back in a 4-6 months. Really, I won't. Since school started again, I can hardly play anymore, the servers are just getting laggier and laggier to me and i'm startin' to get autokicked. I've been offline for a month here already, so I don't really think that I'm gonna stay active. There's so much other stuff that interests me more. Hopefully EmRA will keep your happy with his poses (...Thought you hardly reply on that topic anyway, and it's been dead for awhile) Hope you guys have a good time, I know I will. I'll see you later. I regret nothing. PS; Why I made this? Because I wanted to.
  15. Lmao! That's all.
  16. Okay. You were supposed to read that link I gave you. It. Is. Not. That. HARD. I know what is your Xfire, I know what's your Steam, Just TELL US WHY DO YOU THINK YOU WOULD BE A GOOD ADMIN AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE CHOSEN TO BE AN ADMIN! Read. That. Link. I. Gave. You. Otherwise, I can't help and I'll stop even trying to help.
  17. Seriously. You ain't serious. You only gave us your steam id and xfire. Nothing else. READ IT!
  18. Something else than just fighting all the time with their pal BLU, they decided to do something else. "Hey, look at this : D!" "You found it?" "Hey! Give back my drugs!" Yoo, where did my pic disappear.
  19. Plain normal, I don't have to change it as it is good anyway.
  20. Found this lying around. I guess it was on the engineer hype. ^ Where did that come from OH WHAT THE FUCK Wait, is that a tyrolean?
  21. Lemon!

    Admin app

    Community. Not a clan. How you dare!
  22. Lemon!


    I'm gonna ask, what server? MTA? Could you give more information? Bans say that "Dioshero" Isn't having any bans in record. ...Sorry You all mighty people up there, I had to ask :I
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