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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reiska

  1. skyrim seems nice. Gonna download it when it comes :P

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. mogadonskoda


      but xeim fucks him every week he knows where he lives

  2. I don't give a damn how I write as long as you understand what I mean, and I think its stupid to pay like 60e for only singleplayer what can be played in 2 days
  3. so you will buy it for singleplayer only? what kind shit is that just download it illegally atleast the singleplayer will work and you dont waste your money to that piece of crab
  4. et vaan osaa laittaa sitä ps3 handicap

  5. There is always someone pulling the strings behind everybody. And what can you do? people are greedy. It just pains me to watch and do nothing about it
  6. playing deus ex i have mastered my sneaking skills im gonna come to your house at night and hack your computer

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Reiska


      hah amateur. I steal people

    3. Sacrevy


      I steal the moon.

    4. Reiska


      the moon already stole you........

  7. well im not skinny or hairless -.-
  8. 1 week FREEDOM

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiF


      Indeed Reiska. 1 week of freedom!

    3. Sacrevy
    4. Weo


      mine just ended...

  9. you will probably see me there too be cautious
  10. good luck maybe you get to be admin one day
  11. well i just gave my opinion nothing more
  12. you have to be somewhat skilled player to be admin in zs in my opinion
  13. lol he sucked even when he was using hax
  14. gonna "buy" this from piratebay for sure
  15. nice Zs game

    1. Reiska


      whit bowx shadows and other fellows

  16. i got them back already
  17. so i lost my levels again goddamn
  18. hmm...i think prop jumping should be hardened somehow
  19. booner! healt 10 can take the whole team down by puking white shiit looks like ....you know....
  20. Reiska

    Dark Times

    techno i sent them that if they wont bring out stuff next week i will cut their balls off
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