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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reiska

  1. i have been going to gym about a year now 5 times a week (what is maybe little too much buttfuck it) usually spent 45mins-2h there, still always remember to keep days to rest. As you want muscle you have to have enough weight in your body to gain it so if you are skinny you should maybe eat better and eat nice food like steak n shit you find many advice's what to eat to gain weight in many websites. Of course if you want to gain muscle you should do power training (also what i am doing) it involves things bench lift and and also you should train your legs doing squats. you cant find many different power lifting moves in the internet and see there what is best for you and what is the most effective. don't forget to train your back too and other major parts in your body
  2. even for me most those ideas seem too op (the human part mostly)
  3. oh silly you should know that the axe is in my living room
  4. i also said that i use elephants vagina as monitor and random shit like that and as always the discussion got out of hand
  5. ah the times when we changed our names and started fooling noobs. My name was somalian and i talked how in my country we play gmod with toasters (a bit racist)
  6. *the kid* was the player shadows using voice changer
  7. i still remember the day when you hit me with a broom but gladly i pissed on your shoes
  8. first i read porn game witch got me exited for a moment, then i realized the harsh truth
  9. im gonna give you couple of things that need to be worked out: 1. Cading. It sucks ass and nails are weak, of course you might make a good cade sometimes but most of the time there are not many people with hammer and they lack the ability to make cade. Also there are many who come to ruin the process of making cade and when that happens it usually comes out pretty shitty. Thats why at least the nails should be much better (and unless you don't cade into a crate spawning place your fucked) 2. being last human. It used to be that being last human was something special and funny, nowadays you just run around like a chicken with a usp and have a quick death when in the old times you could have have a powerful weapon. Nothing fun in being last human nowadays 3. weapons. Its kinda hard to get primary weapons, so you usually end up using pistols and melee weapons. 4.Fast zombies and headcrabs. well don't really need to tell about this cause you already know whats the problem 5.anti-exploit shits are annoying as fuck and they ruin most of the good places where you could go. And if the zombies would use more of their brains, they could easily go to for example to the roof of the light house by using props (and by using those fucking fasties) 6.And of course most of the maps are boring and shitty but that is worked on right?
  10. I don't like the idea of unlocking things with achievements unless i would get all those what i have already did like killed 10000zombies, cause i have been playing too long to just go back to nothing
  11. you could have put this just on the status update rather than this
  12. you could have put this just on the status update rather than this
  13. vote would be certainly better cause if for example i were to be last human and everybody would turn howlers or fasties or something like that i would go fucking mad
  14. so it will be the usual 50 000e and 100 000e for any politician...oh wait this is about minecraft
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VMR


      That's the best commercial I've seen in ages.

    3. terminator


      Its all fun and games untill winter comes and somebody gets frozen stuck to a park bench..... then it's hilarious.

    4. Reiska


      i don't even want to think that...ouch

  15. is it just me or do i not see any strip poles there?
  16. yeah prices are too high cause its hard to even buy a new pistol before almost everyone is dead + the gun's are too powerful
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJTb99ZTHMA&list=LLr0XOnhTgJBQ-JuP0VERAUw&index=5&feature=plpp_video and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHNz9FJdg04&feature=related
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