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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Gametaff

  1. Totally agree with this, SH is the only gamemode who actually needs skill the others are pretty much buying perks and pray for a good car
  2. Hey wanted to say sorry for the little inactiviy I'm having, I've been kinda busy with exams but I will be able to play regulary in 2 weeks, hope you can understand it
  3. Gametaff

    smash or pass?

    What is this shit
  4. One of the best paintjobs so far!
  5. Name: Gametaffy Map: [RACE] Turismo Airport
  6. You are a nice guy good luck boi, but your stats weren't necessary nobody wants to see your 4 tops xD
  7. logout and then login again it worked for me several times
  8. Rudy the dog
  9. How to successfully bump a thread that has been dead for more than 4 years
  11. They have done the same to me several times, especially that ChimpieChamp cunt but what can you expect for a couple of retards who can't race for shit and only play to annoy others? I won't be surprised if they only mark them for an hour and will continue doing the same
  12. Ping doesn't matter, just make sure to have high frame rate and don't be afraid of slowing down at every corner. Also try to know every car handling
  13. Such onion app, gl onion
  14. Ingame nickname: Gametaff~ Mapname: [RACE] 7777
  15. So are you really going to believe what she says while there are almost 20 players who want her ass banned because she's such an annoying shit? Why don't you ask her why is she constantly insulted? Probably because she starts messing with everyone's shit but hey she doesn't expect us to be the same. Insulting our countries, our mothers, getting mad when we win or when we "ram" her, seriously she's cancerous and toxic ,don't get fooled that easily.
  16. Gametaff


    behemoth wtf xd edit: sandy 100% hax i agree
  17. Just ban her ass already for fuck sake
  18. Good to see you back man! Hope you enjoy your stay here
  19. Reported for reporting
  20. You're weird lol
  21. How about if you use the script same as the ghost does, the person who owns the toptime can decide if he wants the lines able for public or not
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