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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Sacrevy

  1. Oh Notch, and I was silly enough to assume you might have fixed lag on this release...

    It's not Notch, it's the server. You guys made the server, not Notch.

    What he's trying to say, is that notch could make the game go less buggy, considering minecraft doesn't even have high quality, the game is really laggy, at every server. Notch should fix that :pipe:

    Also they're claiming popular faction names :V

    I bet some people already have the faction tag 'RealisM' just like our previous map :frog:

  2. Sooo i need some help: for the main story line i needed an elder scroll.

    So i got one. But there is also a side mission that needs the same elder scroll.

    But i sold it to that guy in the college of winterhold.

    How can i get it back/new one?

    If there's no way else; Open console - Type in : 'coc qasmoke' - Go to all scrolls/books and grab it :pipe:

  3. But why did you do that yoshi ? why didnt you just use fraps or start it with steam D:

    Can you make pictures with Fraps?

    Anyway, I didn't use Steam because um..... well.... you see.... I.... kinda... no comment. =$

    You downloaded it for free, like me. Go to steam - games - add a non-steam game - (select the game in programs) Then go to steam, games , run it from there, and you can make steam screenshots of the gameplay. Your welcome. :pipe:

  4. Hell no, i cant seem to get off that Vampire curse, i'm a full vampire and everybody hates and attacks me, i cant even get into a single city or buy anything from anybody. Any way to get cured, while you're a full vampire? Or is there a way to stop people being mad at me? They arent very nice D':

    EDIT: Y know, fuck it. I'll just start a new game, goodbye Wood elf <3 Goodbye over 40 hours of work D':

  5. (infinity or epsilon client)

    and ZomBitch admitting to having X-Ray,

    When i had Xray, that whas about 4 maps ago, our faction whas called Navy Seals and Ooga and MrCoceane werent in that faction yet. Think before you argue :3

  6. Also I noticed the time on Big Ben is wrong as it clearly isn't 6:22.

    I won't buy or pirate it i will wait for the inevitable free weekend.

    6:22? This looks like 8:10 bro <.<

    Nope, its 289:30992 out there... Blind fools :>

  7. Looks interesting. I don't expect it will trigger all the player death event directly though (like Factions power reduction and the HeroicDeath message)? They're not direct issues but this does feel a bit hacky.

    EDIT: it's now running on the server, let's see how it works out.

    not working enemy's still have godmode with relogging :(

    The pvp log glitch will still work if you log out BEFORE you get hit, if you log out after you got hit, you have to wait 20 seconds and in the main time he killed you already. ;D

  8. IGN: XxZomBitchxX

    Date of ban: Monday 24 October.

    Person who banned you: Auto spamming system (lagg caused spam)

    Reason: Spamming, atleast, the lag made it look like spam. After that i told i used to have xray, which made me stay banned :gmod:

    Why would you get unbanned? I love this server, i might even be the most active player *nolife* :pipe:

    But i love this server, for over a year.. Being active every day over several hours, which is over 1 year... Every day... multiple hours.. = over 600/700 hours played =/ *Time to go outside, little boy!*

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