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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. The RealisM Factionhas succesfully made their emblem in single player. Please tell us if it's a good one.
  2. Scourge emblem is a mushroom? Im gonna post our RealisM emblem as soon as im done getting wool,
  3. Look under the beginning of the topic:)
  4. Scourge emblem is a mushroom?
  5. Okay, but do you have any Videos of you guys raiding other clans, its funny to watch
  6. Look before you ask. Um, so they never got raided? not even 1 time when they just started faction wars?
  7. The date of the lottery will be released Soon. In that time, tell your friends and get more people into this, or it might not go through! -ZomBitch
  8. Question: Is the mungol clan ever raided? or in another name? I'd like to know And can i see some of your raiding vids too? Mungol? You always have fraps on right ? -ZomBitch, check out my new photo!
  9. And then all the dwarfes, unicorns, ponies and all the imaginary creatures will come alive, and live will be heaven

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  10. My imaginary pony is dancing on a cloud at the moment... Its legendary..

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  11. I might now whats wrong, after dieing or anything, players might copy themself, and one of the copy's doesnt move, and the other one does. That means theres 1 inactive mob. Uhh... I don't think that's the case. More like when a player or any other entity stands in a block that is occupied by a lever, the lever takes the priority over everything and gets hit instead. A mere speculation, but makes sense to me. Yes, but you still should be able to hit him in the leg then
  12. No... xd
  13. I might now whats wrong, after dieing or anything, players might copy themself, and one of the copy's doesnt move, and the other one does. That means theres 1 inactive mob.
  14. Random number generator.
  15. 8.5/10 I like it, good music while playing games. Montage music, good music while playing first person shooters
  16. Registered, and thank you for your advice!
  17. I dont. If u guys stop talking trash to me, i wont talk trash back, and i dont do like i live and die by sword. Im just hosting a faction with some IRL friends having fun and building, raiding. And if guys like you keep talking trash to me, im gonna (try to) ignore them. -ZomBitch
  18. I know what it means. But i like to use it there. I will use something different
  19. All Registered PS: Can everyone write there In Game Name next to it? Thank you.
  20. Theres a really easy way to fix that. There are over 15/20 factions, which are never online or 1 man factions.. From people who are on vacation, and the other people left. Search those, and make them neutral. Greetings, ZomBitch Im sorry, but you are playing the dick here now. You say i dont play legit? we have raided over 30/40 or more factions the legit way, and i can already see your reply now. (Those are all new factions!!) No, thats not true. And im just replying on you talking shit to me, and suddenly, im the baddie here. But okay, this reply is propably a dick reply too, so im gonna try to just ignore people like you. Greetings ZomBitch
  21. Yes, there all around us... They got me here...

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  22. Wow... Pink fluffy unicorns are dancing on rainbows atm... I wish you could see this..

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  23. Dude, im gonna make a paint story too! ... *Evil face...hehe*
  24. No we don't. Not anymore. We figured it was way too dishonest way so we decided to quit doing it. I don't ever remember doing that. Just honest fucking shit up. Kefe did it, i whas there.. First make ally, get in. Enemy. Raid.
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