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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. Sacrevy


    Im not sure if that's true too.. And with that i mean its probably not gonna happen ;\
  2. I whas there, that whas crazy xD First i thaught it whas a lagg or an end of the game or something like that
  3. Looks Triggin' awesome:D I'm happy i buyed Gmod couple of days ago, will it come out within 2 weeks? , early september you said, Hopefully as soon as possible: Keep up the good work man! You're doing alot of great stuff atm
  4. It looks real.. O.O
  5. Lag can open doors now? Lag is strong XD, PS: Never trust too many people in minecraft, its not a part of the game, it seems. Once the time is ready, they will make u enemy.
  6. There are too many mountains on the map! I understand the point of not making it bannable becouse its a way of raiding, but you cant protect you're base against this (unless you're gonna make an obsidian base o.O) But yeah. Look on the map. Great lord. PS: I have a new avatar/profile picture.. check them out « Crew Clavus: NUKED FROM ORBIT »^^
  7. Hmm, I'm not gonna suy that i'm gonna but it. I care about the plugin's, will it be a game which you can easily put mods in, and if yes, then there must be alot of plugins for me to buy this I buyed CSS 2 days ago. Still havent installed it
  8. Aww.. all the bad comments, Be nicer
  9. I buyed Gmod to play on the l4g server but now i found out there only is an ZS server.. Is it possible to also make an Build server to build awesome and pointless stuff in? Sorry! Sorry! sorry i made a new topic about this, there goes zombitch again.. xd
  10. Thats gonna be hard, but i'll like to join it anyway
  11. What about me? No-one ever cares about the Bitch Zombie ;(
  12. The RealisM Faction has fixed the base after they got moutained. Here is the result: Also, We will not join the Scourge faction becouse they think the most people will attack them then. I personally take that as an insult and i'm very unhappy to hear that.
  13. I'm too late to sign up right :/ If no, post a reply ;D I just downloaded TF2=D MiF, What about multiple regular teams, :S
  14. Pufu, can i get on that hamachi server too? My friend's steam(fatboysmart) is Daanenter
  15. some people like ponies, other people dont. We(the pony lovers) know that we're right. They are just so cute
  16. Wooo pufu, Steam: TheZomBitch

  17. wooocongratzzzzzzz djiad Corbyuodsd yeye
  18. Wooo 1st place: Vegeta 2nd place: Raptor 3rd place: MrZunz 4th place: IWillTrollYou 5th place: Hundred2 6th place: Saltmonster 7th place: EmRA 8th place: Justcallmepro 9th 10th 11th and 12th: Rinkana, Corby, Dr.pannenkoek and thegreengrasshopper. THE REST HAS WON AN DIAMOND SWORD, CONGRATZ! Heinix got deleted even though he won the 1st price, he had signed up 2 numbers. Sorry!
  19. If it begins in 3 hours, it will be 14:50 english time fyi That 3 hours whas wrong, sorry! It begins in 16:50 English time , keep that in mind I will, but on that time im gonna calculate the winning numbers, which will be more fun if you're there right? So be there =D
  20. Today the lottery will begin in 3 Hours! On english time: 16:50 On time in netherland/belgium/france/german/ 17:50 ! See ya then
  21. James, R.I.P 25-08-2011 at 11.40... :'( What a shame :< My dog is 10 years old now... Aww >.< Condolences mate.. I know exactly what you've been through. My dog had something in his neck, end we had to sleep him in.. That last time walking with him whas horrible... ;(
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