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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. What ? No, i'll do the random number generation. Today i'm gonna tell you guys who won, on that time:) And i didt forgot belgium, belgium is the same as holland and others, everyone knows that. Right?... no they are not The time is kinda the same. :/
  2. What ? No, i'll do the random number generation. Today i'm gonna tell you guys who won, on that time:) And i didt forgot belgium, belgium is the same as holland and others, everyone knows that. Right?...
  3. As admin you're not supposed to call everyone a douche or anything. No.
  4. Why would you do that to yourselves? You and awesomeo are never nice to people. Be nicer.
  5. Even though you're never nice to me and you're list of enemies is over 100.. I still wish you goodluck, But be nicer to people ? Im just worried Corby is gonna be a mad admin :S, From my opinion, He's not nice to people. Just type /f show Rangers
  6. IT BEGINS TOMORROW ON : Holland : 17:50 Afghanistan: 20:10 England: 16:50 USA: 10:50 FINLAND 18:50 SWEDEN: 17:50 FRANCE: 17:50 RUSSIA, Anadyr: 03:50 Russia, Moscow: 19:50 AUSTRALIA: 01:50 (clavus, sorry for , but it whas an important message) If your country isnt here: Tell me, or calculate it yourself.
  7. Thank you for being so nice again. And scourge, is it possible to get on that server too? Just to be there
  8. The chests for the lottery have been protected in obsidian! Dont worry, Lottery is safe and secure.
  9. Pony's and unicorns rule! Friendship is magic

  10. As the Mungol faction might already know, the RealisM base got mountained, and almost enterable. As some last words, this whas a really great world, i build a base at my own with some help of my friends, we didt really care about anti-mountains becouse we WERE allies with mungol, then they enemied us. Couple of weeks later our base already looked better - a flag, and extra way around our base so people could walk, i letted people come in my base to look.. It whas fun. But now. I woke up. 30 minutes later i logged in. It all looked fine but then i looked on the map. Holy jezus... My baby! It got fucking mountained.xd. But yes, our base looks like crap now. And the lottery might not go through if the chests are destroyed, and then mungol would have won. Everything. Here are some pictures of our base/mountain
  11. Lets just say salmonster succesfully took number 3 Woo... -5 reputation? Like a boss? hmm..
  12. Who? Xxx'es? Ah! all those (+) ... i dunno, somebody must have gave them
  13. Im hoping to have over 25 people in it, since i made 54 prices.
  14. Looks intresting.. With that i mean it looks awesome. Hopefully the snipers will come wil quickscope ability's. « Crew Clavus: Don't quote the whole thing and stop putting your text in bold. You're not special. »
  15. We have 18 people registered, but we need over 20, or it will not happen!
  16. He whas already banned for 2 days. After that he gets back, and hopefully he never hacks again, but i think he learned his lesson « Crew Clavus: How about you don't bold your text »
  17. How many maps are made a day?! These maps are getting crazy.
  18. Its just a regular minecraft lagg. You cant really do anything about it. I hope it will never happends to us or we're screwd. -ZomBitch
  19. Shouldt this be a topic about an Android instead of paardrijden?
  20. You guys have 4 days left before it begins. 4 Days.
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