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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. Why would I troll you guys during the finals ? If I trolled , there would be a rematch and I would be banned, but no, all I did whas sitting in a corner and watch the fight like no one did.
  2. I was wondering just the same thing actually.
  3. We used to be allies, that's why I didn't tell them earlier, also , I dont know how the glitch works but what I do know is that you needed green coins & enderpearls, and you could keep duping them, I'll go ask some people and try to find out how it works, or you guys could just tell the admins.
  4. It whas a great tournament, a shame that alot of people got disqualified for not being there. I love tournaments like this, it might be a good idea to do this more often.
  5. The only thing I did whas sitting in a corner for about 5 seconds until clavus killed me, but I would understand if I'd get a temporary ban, anyway, you guys are seriously doing the best you can to get me banned, also , tell the admins about the 'duping' glitch you guys found out about 2 weeks ago and still works with enderpearls, whasn't that bannable ? You guys should be punished too, it even says that duping is bannable every time you login. Also, please stop giving each other repuation..
  6. They changed from accounts, they used alt-accounts which gave them double chances to win it.
  7. Was it allowed to use afk accounts with you ? Sidekicks used afk accounts, they made 2 groups, they doubled their chance to win this, that's not fair against the other people who were trying to win this contest.
  8. I would like to replace xxsweggaegirlxx with xxexplosionzzx, they are in Noodles 2.
  9. « Crew Clavus: STAY OUT OF UNBAN TOPICS »
  10. That's speedhacking, I saw him too multiple times in the water.
  11. Sacrevy


    EDIT: It seems you cant delete posts.
  12. Noodles - xDerpina - XxZombitchxX - Stardude9 Noodles 2 - Fatboysmart - Stardude8 - XxSweggaeGirlxX (Not 100 % sure yet)
  13. Sacrevy

    XRay Unban

    You said you never use x-ray and the next moment your saying you wont do it again ? THIS TOPIC HAS LIES IN IT.
  14. It's not about what he says, it's about what the footage has to say, and if you look closely at the footage the criticals go crazy, that's not supposed to happen, this is obviously hacking, and it whas great footage too.
  15. It's not about what he says, it's about what the footage has to say, and if you look closely at the footage the criticals go crazy, that's not supposed to happen, this is obvious hacking, and it whas great footage too.
  16. Corby, Hafferlaffen killed me and a couple of my friends yesterday, also with this 'kill aura' thingy, it makes people automatically attack you,I'm sure you're in common with it, but he whas mining in a dark tunnel, and I got him in the back while using cloak, and all the sudden he turned around within a second and started hitting me over 15 times a second using the pickaxe, he auto attacked me, but without knewing he whas going to , that's why he whas still wielding a pickaxe, however, I dont have any proof, but I will try to get some, I'm sure that he is hacking.
  17. It's not against rules to have few accounts on one PC running at same time to have advantage? No.
  18. And now those green coins are gone + your TNT! It whas totally worth the reaction of the incoming players who meeted the spawn and tried jumping over, funny to watch.
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