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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. 10/10 Summer 2010 hell yea.
  2. Yes yes yes, it would get me back to playing probably.
  3. Rofl 7/10
  4. You guys are some serious perverts.. I would probably scare the shit out of people and.. the same as Sacrifical
  5. Welcome back dude!
  6. 7/10 Pretty good for this type of music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNjiESg-te8
  7. 8/10 Very good music. But why was banlieue 13 a big joke?!
  8. Some displacement maybe? Also if you make wide open spaces you should really put more stuff in it. As Lipton said: it looks pretty boring.
  9. 6/10 Not very special.
  10. 7/10 Very good music, but a bit too depressive.
  11. Thx :> 8/10 btw The song was chilledddd out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AfMGHTQxVA
  12. That looks pretty freakin brutal! Looking forward to playing it. :]
  13. 6/10 Not really my type of music.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPjtTE2GBLk
  14. That was great! Good actors good story (if there is one). They could make a show out of this! Wow.
  15. Medics never heal on anyone. I mean they do but not enough to weight out the supply crate. It would make things very difficult...
  16. You guys aren't paying attention. You are supposed to say the number of your post... Which means that mine is : 338. Anyway make a new spam topic.
  17. 6/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgYnRh8ACGQ
  18. 9/10 When the beat kicked in, I was like : "fuck yeah" =)
  19. I agree with darkstar very badly I'm afraid. For a few seconds I actually thought that you came up with this yourself Trolling is pretty bad.
  20. Welcome back! And welcome to the forums I'd go with pufulet his upgrades
  21. Oblivion and Morrowind. Those were the ones I really enjoyed. Neverwinter-nights has never been my "cup of tea".
  22. wtf dude? 3/10
  23. *waiting for NECROSSIN*
  24. Very nice, 9/10
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