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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. 9/10 I like it, these guys were the pioneers of rap
  2. 13/10 Cant believe this isn't on youtube. It's great, it has a nice atmosphere created by the guitar.
  3. Never had this issue, I do the same as Yoshi :>
  4. Originally, did it come from the UK or the US? Probably the UK, but you always hear something about it from the US, so I was wondering....
  5. I saw my brother lameshot playing yesterday, and he had no problems at all with being last human. Maybe it's just the map or you are just a bit noob. Anyway calm down.
  6. Do have a link to the download? I want to play the map
  7. The water thing: I'm not sure if you're talking about this problem, but I think it means that you've got a LEAK.
  8. 7/10 Gotta respect Snoop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U25nsH_ebEk&feature=related
  9. No one, in the Netherlands celebrates Halloween. At least not a lot of people. So I guess nothing will be happening in my town
  10. Cool I wish I had one.... *thread/topic has failed* BTW
  11. Pretty cool. If I ever need a new one, I'll come to you for some advice or help.
  12. I'm not that into black metal. No Satan for me 4/10
  13. Gonna be making a video too, in about two weeks or so. I liked the video Notte, good job!
  14. The screaming is always overdone in this music, yet the beginning was great! 8/10
  15. Ye, how can you even see where you're going? It's just one big blur of light and chaos with a car in the middle You didn't fail that bad actually, I would have crashed alot more.
  16. What was the last map played on the server?
  17. I'll just start Notte: hl2 2010-10-10 20-08-29-75.bmp hl2 2010-10-10 20-31-32-26.bmp hl2 2010-10-10 21-14-04-97.bmp Group picture: hl2 2010-10-10 20-33-04-37.bmp
  18. The last day on IW has been fun. If you have any pics (group pictures) , videos or comments, just leave them here
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