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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. Thief 3 : the cradle. If you want to shit your pants play that level. I'll give you guys the soundtrack:
  2. I liked the original video more but the song remains cool. 8/10
  3. That looks pretty cool, would make the game more hectic. :] I don't know if it would stop the grenade spammers though... hmm
  4. no doubt : 10/10
  5. Ravenholm was a kick ass map. They should really bring it back.
  6. 7/10 (because of the guitar work (damn it was good))
  7. lubricant
  8. That was already fixed by Deluvas Ok
  9. Yay! That's no sarcasm, I really like what you've done with the server. Everything is better now. But what is up with the server crashing at the end of every round?
  10. 9/10 That's some real old school stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2zFlu9Uh1E
  11. Yeah, where is he? Happy birthday dude!
  12. You aren't admin yet?! This has to be fixed fast. You are a great guy and I believe you have a lot of passion for these server/s. Also your LUA knowledge gives you an advantage over alot of other people. Good luck!
  13. 10/10 Wonderfull. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HtLLx1SS6Q
  14. car
  15. Shit, I really need to play TF2 again....
  16. You are the posing god. I love the stalker game/soundtrack , you really made it fit
  17. 7/10 I've heard better Pendulum :]
  18. This topic sucks. I agree with Hundred
  19. Doesn't bumping topics keep the forums alive a bit? Just like the: 'Rate the song above you' topic needs bumping sometimes just to keep it alive and going. I do like the stuff about being mature and respecting the admins and purple gods. Without those rules there will be CHAOS.
  20. 5/10 Not my type of music ,sorry From an awesome movie:
  21. WUT, those are nice dude! We don't do christmas with presents We have SINTERKLAAS :
  22. This is music you must know as a gamer. 10/10 !
  23. Long live IW. Merry christmas everyone!!
  24. 7/10 Pretty good.
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