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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. WTF is this? 6/10
  2. 10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2zFlu9Uh1E
  3. 6/10 Not so familiar with rush... don't like it that much.
  4. Yeah he is indeed epic. 9/10 love Fatboy slim
  5. It was appreciated Deluvas, very much. I think you did a great job.
  6. Do it, heroin and all that stuff is very healthy i heard. :> I was also pretty sarcastic.. I will try some, not the really fucked one's like GHB that will get you addicted very fast. Weed is always fun.
  7. 1. Thief (all of it) 2. Morrowind 3. Infected wars 4. Oblivion 5. Diablo 2 Those are the great five of my youth I think, and that will always have a special value for me.
  8. Never done them, but I think I will try alot Weed is legal here and other drugs isn't hard to get either
  9. has been .%^/. ......lolwut

  10. Wtf What they said ^^
  11. That was dubstep mixed with D&B and classical music Pretty cool. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23SlnbGyHXc (listen to the whole song )
  12. Ok that sounds pretty cool I'm looking forward to playing it.
  13. *Edit* Nvm the question. Good job by the way. I think the interior fits the zombie survival mode more, but the outside is a fun extra.
  14. It's Harry Potter right? I like Harry potter games :>
  15. It looks NEAT!
  16. The only time I've ever been on the surf server you were there. So that means you must be on alot You are a nice and friendly guy that likes to have fun, I think. So good luck!
  17. The last pic: The water seems very "blocky" (if that's a word) It's probably because the ground under it is not very natural. The rest looks pretty good.
  18. Weo basically everything you are complaining/making suggestions about, has already been done. People here are tired of it. And what does it matter that you've been longer on ZS? If you really have been playing for that long I would expect that you have the skill by now to bypass these zombines.
  19. I wasn't going to comment... But this song owns to much: 10/10
  20. Deluvas is doing the best he can, I'm sure. And whining about him won't help. If you dont like ZS or suck at it, just stop playing the game! It's not the only one out there: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_video_games
  21. I need one too, one with a gas-mask.. if that's possible
  22. Dude, that's zombie survival: You (human) spawn and get hunted down by zombies. Objective: try to survive. That's it.
  23. First of all, the grenade is already freaking weak so it doesn't matter. (the only way to make some real damage is to hit them) Secondly, they've already made the thing slower so what are you complaining about?
  24. His name looks a lot like mine...
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