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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. 6/10 weird LOL 8/10 for the clip
  2. Hmm nice, sort of mix between reggae , R&B, Hip Hop and drum&bass 7/10
  3. Whe cannot keep on superchargin everything. Cool idea but before you know everyone got an idea and then the whole game would be screwed. (afcourse Clavus would never let that happen )
  4. hl2 2010-01-04 18-44-27-35.bmp This is what I mean with laggy.
  5. Yes, I guess ill have to use one. Then you need too ceil the map off completely, or else the water is going be very laggy. If you need more explanation just ask.
  6. you dont need make a skybox. Are you going to add water to it?
  7. One tip: Make a Beat! It will make it sound much cooler. Oh and dont do the stuff at : 0:53 / 1:39 and 2:27 again. :o It sounds very, very dissonant. Some parts actually freaked me out. lol Anyway keep going!
  8. My Hammer is doing bad things to me D: It doesnt create a .BSP file when I save it. (VBSP is the command-line tool that converts a raw VMF file to the compiled Binary Space Partition format) I've tried everything but it just doesnt save it. So? That means that I cannot play the map I can only create it with hammer. The BSP file is same stuff as all Gmod maps. Any answers? And I have seen this: The system cannot find the file specified Be sure you typed your filename correctly, excluding any dashes, periods, etc. If it persists, try typing the file extension as you save it. If compiling with Hammer, check the log for errors; it often will point you in the right direction. If you have not ran the game that you are making a map for, or if the destination that you are trying to place the final .BSP file in does not exist at the time you attempted to compile your map, this error will occur as a result of Hammer lacking the ability to create file folders. This happens to a variety of people, most often when the person receiving the error has recently rebooted their computer after a crash, their computer dying, or a virus or other possible cause of computer data/memory loss. If this happens, all you have to do is run the game you are making the map for, or simply browse to the closest file directory to the one you are trying to put the final .BSP in a file browser, and make a folder named the same as the selected output folder.
  9. Happy birthday to you sneed. May many more come
  10. Why don't you just create a new server for all that stuff? The down side is that it would cost even more money, and there wouldnt be alot of players
  11. Welcome
  12. WOW shit,those are alot of games
  13. Happy birthday Clavus! Please stay with us
  14. Yeah, Gmod is very cool but it just unstable, it happens to every server ones in a while. Sometimes I'm actually glad it isnt very buisy just because of the lag.
  15. 6/10 sounds cool.
  16. Deftones is a pown-ass band! And welcome to the forum
  17. Looks cool already Mayco!
  18. Hopefully someone can help me with this, I hope you stelk How do you get water too kill or hurt you ??? I've tried everything: you can't put entities inside a water brush there are no textures for watertriggerhurt and the Lod_watercontrol doesnt help either So?
  19. We smoke because we want to, cause we find it relaxing and enjoy smoking while in company with other people. It's different for everyone probably.
  20. Going for the IW guns. Although I never use it it's one of the most original guns that I've ever seen : the egon cannon.
  21. Yeah! Nice Emra I've never smoked before because of my asma. Probably without it I wouldnt have done it too But it's just a good excuse I guess.
  22. 5/10 Cool beat and melody and everything, but not rough enough. Gotta love this stuff:
  23. exactly Happy birthday!
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