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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. 3/10 Can't really take this seriously.
  2. Sorry, if I would know all the answers to all these questions I would make the map myself. Tip= Do what you think is best for a map and take others people's advice on technical stuff, not on the way it should look like.
  3. huh? Did you just comment your own song?
  4. Why do people always want changes? IW is fine now, if you get owned you need improve your skills and not whine because you will always have a second chance. Spawn-camping indeed sucks, but it really differs from map to map and from what kind of persons are playing. There's not much you can do about it.
  5. 10/10 Psychostick is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRlCRg8wCU0
  6. You are lucky Grey. I hope that you'll change a bit after this.
  7. I love to much types of music, mainly: Drum and bass, Hardstyle, Metal, classical music, Hip hop (eminem mainly) and alot alot alot of game music.
  8. When is the : "you can't level up with engineer bug" going to be fixed? My little brother only has to put 2 more barricades and then he levels up, that really sucks.
  9. The behave good if Toaster or Sacri is online. And if its a admin ingame more ofen, they are nicer I hope
  10. Good luck. I'm not sure if the whole extra Admin thing will work against bastards like: Greydust, Drako... Because if you kick them the server will run empty and that also sucks Anyway, I'm very against spawn killing and I hope you can help it a little bit, but I remain skeptic. Again good luck friend!
  11. 6/10 for the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ueVMwkNFY&playnext_from=TL&videos=Z-1UkVzuXpk
  12. Cave Johnson hacking? Don't think so. I agree with Toaster and Silver dot, and you shouldn't pretend like an admin to
  13. The map cycle of ZS is huge in epic proportions. Some maps are very buggy.
  14. 6/10 I dont like anything that has to do with pop or soccer (I like other sports though) The real jungle music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq_XIcPtFO8
  15. I agree with sacrifical. I say we keep the old school IW and not try to change it every time we think of something new
  16. 8/10 It would make a very good soundtrack but not something I would listen to for my fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hMSucrhQ3M
  17. Agreed man. I am waiting for it. If it would be true: Whe would all die and no one could say something about it (unless in the Mayan afterlife) If not : I would laugh as hell
  18. I don't know why he's so pist off at you He's being quite nice to me, weird. I even added him to my friends list Shit...
  19. You know how incredibly hard it is to start EVERY round with a five-seven. You run out of bullets within minutes, you have to work really hard, whilst it used to be really easy to level up as engineer, commando is just TOO hard to level up compared to other classes. to bad you cant lvl up engineer or medic :*( That sucks indeed, when is the crew going to fix this shitty problem?
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