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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. Awesome, looks cool Emra!
  2. Agree completely with Sacrifical. COMPLETELY.
  3. One day he just randomly startet to tell me I was a bastard. Then I owned him (afcourse; He is noob) and he ragequitted.
  4. I would be against the Law if it would be in my own country, because I dont know the culture and behaviour of people in Norway that much. All I know is that on my school whe can do with a teacher whatever whe want. It doesnt mean that I actually do it, but I know quite alot of guys that would. Teachers do not have the power anymore , kids have it. (not afcourse with every teacher; since every teacher is different). Kids needs too be brought up well and every parent does it in there own way, I believe that every single one of them should be able too choose for him/herself.
  5. Yeah, it looks awesome. Good job Balmung and the others!
  6. Why is he shit? (offtopic) The music is funny xD Weird exploit, how do you get there?
  7. Somehow it reminds of the Age of empires soundtrack. Nice find indeed.
  8. Huh, better explanation?
  9. Just a suggestion, but maybe you have some sort of manic depression. It could be. Afcourse the fact that you take pills and are autistic doesnt help either. The only advice I can give is: go see a doctor and maybe a psychologist. Good luck! I feel bad for you
  10. I agree with Notte.
  11. Yea that's true. But the way they are acting in that video is just insane War is getting really easy with somekind of helicopter and shooting people without they can hit you. There's no real courage that you need for that.
  12. The ZS sort of idea of sacrifical is good, that you cant suicide for behe anymore. But I dont like the idea of different behe's, because it really sucks ass when a noob is the behemoth. It will make the zombies alot weaker.
  13. 4/10 WTF is this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ3q6MNbaXY
  14. Indeed, the fun of IW is that everyone has a gun, even the zombies.
  15. 6/10 Nice dance song, lot's of effects though.
  16. I does I loved that game.
  17. The intro really sounded like the soundtrack of Diablo 2 (without the talking) I give it a 8/10 although I'm not really into this kind of metal.
  18. May his soul find peace again. R.I.P.
  19. 8/10 I like the message. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUvyECB07Zc
  20. Awesome Now whe need a good contest.
  21. 7/10 It fits with sign (or what ever pic) of redgord xD
  22. 10/10 great atmosphere, I really hate french when I have too study it, but I love it in songs.
  23. Green-coins maybe? Or a cake Fame is cool too afcourse.
  24. Most of the stuf I came up with was more straight out of my mind, but the map I'm working on now is from an older game and I'm basicly copeing it too the Half-life/counterstrike engine. The game i'm using is Thief 2 and the Mission(map) is 'Casing the joint'. Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLTTGrVsRQ4
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