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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by stalker-dude(nl)

  1. Pointless bump....
  2. 10/10 Dat was geweldig! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV4x2w-2BIE Some UK stuff.
  3. 6/10 Not a big fan of this kind of techno/trance. Ambience music:
  4. I'd say: transformers 1 V for vendetta Iam legend I robot or as Boter said: Die hard
  5. Very relaxing, but jazz has never been my type of music sorry 6/10
  6. That was awesome!! I really liked it.
  7. It looks very nice! But usually when things in HL2 look VERY good, they tend to cause problems. But I'm not sure...
  8. Ghost's in the machine....
  9. 7/10 Funny song
  10. I know what you mean. I'm in the 4th of havo too now... it's boring, well most of it.
  11. What year are you in?
  12. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjdTnMBeqJU
  13. Deluvas is missing, I haven't seen him around lately WHERE ARE YOU!!!
  14. Good English and mature. Good luck!
  15. Wtf? xD 9/10
  16. I think it looks cool, it still needs some work but it looks good.
  17. I agree, make the medics less powerful or make the other classes more attractive to play.
  18. Happy geburtstag!
  19. Ye Jesus must have been great guy to party with. Water to wine beer?! Hell yea.
  20. Good luck with your job
  21. Yea ZS isn't what it used to be. I hope someone is working on it.
  22. I'm not saying that Scandinavians suck or whatever Viking power!
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