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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CarPileUp

  1. Let me correct you. INB4SPAM
  2. Trololol...?
  3. inb4 carcrash
  4. Get the insta propkilling back and fix the "gore" effect please, so that there are no corpes
  5. THATS IT. >: ( Ok. WTF IS THIS "TOPIC" ABOUT? PLEASE, PLEASE TELL ME IN "1" SENTENCE. it has already derailed so many times and EVERY post is about another thing. It's like driving on the highway to NOWHERE. RAAAGE!!
  6. CarPileUp

    1 to a 1000

  7. ujelly?
  8. I AM 16 AND WHAT IS THIS : )
  9. Good Luck QTesla. YOU can do it. I'm pretty sure
  10. When I turn it over, then I get weird vibration noises. Well yeah, I'll try to do some cable managment someday
  11. Here it is Flashed it to HD6970. Temps are ok, but its pretty loud at load.
  12. Can you judge between fair and unfair? I don't think so... You just won a day ban to reconsider what is fair and what is not! EDIT: From the rules: " - unfair exploiting" He isnt banned? He is. For 1 day http://bans.left4green.com/
  13. I don't believe that SquirrelDude would do something like this.
  14. CarPileUp

    Scary games

    Most scariest game was FEAR 1 for me. My reaction @ 1:35 Get A Life is nice too.
  15. Now this is what I call HD quality!
  16. CarPileUp


    Guys.... he just want to get a new PC and doesn't know so much about PC Hardware and such. DO NOT FUCKING DERAIL THE TOPIC. Just help him or GET OFF. Create a new topic if you want to complain about other things. Why every topic have to DERAIL? Messy is like "WTF ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT" now? Yes I'm pretty mad now.
  17. Oh sorry
  18. CarPileUp


    No. There are also 22" monitors which support 1920x1080 @Damien. 4 Cores are way enough for gaming. Six cores are good when you do much video rendering/editing. But you don't see a difference in games. They are even sometimes slower than the X4.
  19. over 200000 views in 3 days. Edit: Thanks to SquirrelDude, for sending this video to me.
  20. CarPileUp


    No. CPU: AMD Phenom II 955 @ 3,2 ghz (Under 150€) GPU: HD6870 (200€) or Gigabyte GTX460 (about 170€) Mainboard: Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 (But others are possible too) ~83€ RAM: 4GB DDR3 (RAM prices are going down in the last time) You'll get good one for under 60€ (Important: 2 x 2GB DDR3 for dual channel support) Case: Your own taste. (Under 50€) HDD: Samsung SpinPoint F4 1TB (about 60€) DVD-Drive: LG something (under 30€) Monitor: Your own taste. Minimum 22" (1920x1080) for a decent gaming quality (Imo) The power supply is the most important part imo. Only buy brand PSUs like, Enermax, BeQuiet, Corsair, Tagan, Antec, Coolermaster. A broken non-brand PSU would fuck up your whole system (CPU, GPU, Mainboard...) because they are poorly manufactured and don't have securityfunctions like overvoltage, undervoltage, short-circuit protection etc. Also, wattage is NOT the only thing which is important for a PSU. 500Watt is more than enough for your system for example. Your PSU should also has more than 40A (Ampere) on the 12V+ rails. Just get a brand PSU, which I have listed above then youre on the safe side. (You can also post when you find one in internet here, and I'll tell you if its ok or not.) I don't know how expensive PC-Hardware in Greece is. The prices which I have posted are german prices.
  21. CarPileUp


    Is it worth to buy a new PC instead of laptop? When you are a gamer. Yes. Why? Gaming Laptops are fucking expensive, they are getting hot and loud. Upgrading parts of a laptop is nearly (99%) impossible. What PC? Selfmade. Do NOT try to buy overpriced OEM crapshit like Acer, Medion, Dell etc. Just tell us your budget + website where you want to buy your parts. Building a PC is easy as hell and saves you alot of money. My internet is wireless. Will that be a problem if I buy a PC instead of laptop? No. You just have to buy a wireless stick. They are not expensive. Upgrade or not? When you are not proud with your laptop then yes. What should I do? Answered already
  22. Good Luck. PS: Your signature is making me mad.
  23. Necrossin deserves to became admin on the ZS server. Good Luck!
  24. Just wanted to add: This guy has 3 bans already. He's acting childish and retarted. + He's banned from IRC. Definitely no.
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